Page 13 of Diesel
Her expression lifts into a smile, and she arches a dark brow. “You’re gonna kick my ass at pool?”
“Maybe two games,” I shoot back, smiling even bigger because damn, do I like sparring with this chick?
“Lead the way,” she grins, motioning me toward the pool tables where Shades and Letty are currently kissing over one.
“You trying to get a glimpse at my ass, Cassidy?”
She laughs. “No comment. But I figure this’ll be the last time you’re in the lead tonight, and I really want you to savor it.”
I stop and turn to face her with a look of disbelief.
In reply, she points at me and bursts out laughing. “The look on your face,” she’s gasping with laughter. “Oh man, so perfect.”
“You’re a good shit-talker, but let’s see how good you are with a stick.”
My words stop her laughter, and heat fills her eyes. “No complaints so far.”
She shrugs and brushes past me. “Except for all the men whose asses I’ve kicked over the years. They complain a lot. I hope you’re not a sore loser because I would really hate to have dinner with a sore loser.” She walks over to the empty table, testing out sticks while I watch her move around like she didn’t just give me the best fucking gift of all.
She likes the bike, but more importantly, she likes being on the back of my bike.
And what’s better than letting her kick my ass at pool? Taking her to dinner.
My morning is interrupted by someone knocking on the door, which is strange since I don’t know anyone who’d be knocking so early. The knocking continues, and I sit up, scanning the motel room, which isn’t the best or the worst place I’ve ever bunked for a night. Everything is in place, and someone is still knocking.
“Fuck,” I grumble and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. “Can’t even wake up in peace.” I don’t give my appearance one ounce of concern as I march to the door, casting a surreptitious glance through a break in the curtains where I spot a familiar face. “Diesel,” I snap as I open the door to his smiling face. “Damn, what is that heavenly smell?”
His handsome grin widens, and he hands me a steaming paper cup, the scent growing more intense the closer it gets to me. “Coffee. For you.”
“Thanks.” I eye him suspiciously as he steps inside my room without waiting for an invitation. “What’s going on?” I take asip of the coffee, and my eyes flutter shut. A low groan escapes before I take my second sip.
“Don’t make those sounds,” he growls, letting his gaze wander around my room. “I came to say good morning.”
“Good morning,” I shoot back, still eyeing the biker with suspicion. And lust. But mostly suspicion. I think.
I really don’t care right now because the coffee is heaven in a paper cup.
His gaze meets mine, and then he does a long, slow perusal down the length of my body, so heavy it’s almost like he’s actually touching me. “Morning’s lookin’ a hell of a lot better now.”
I roll my eyes at his words, but the unmistakable heat in his tone sends a bolt of arousal straight through me. “What’s in the bag?”
Diesel wiggles his brows, holding up a blue and white paper bag. “This bag?”
I shrug like it doesn’t matter, but with the door closed, the scent of bacon and cheese fills the room.
“Come over here and find out,” he says with a laugh, dropping down onto the chair by the table in the corner. He crosses his legs, one ankle resting on the opposite knee, looking like he belongs here like it’s his room rather than mine. “Come on, Cass. I won’t bite unless you ask me nicely.”
I cross my arms over my chest, refusing to smile even though I really want to smile at this man. “What’s in the bag, Diesel?”
He opens the bag, wearing a big-ass grin as he pulls out four paper-wrapped packages. “Only one way to find out. Tick-tock.”His gaze is steady on me, watching me as I weigh whether or not I want to give in and go to him or remain stubborn. And hungry.
“Whatever.” I walk over to the small table and snatch up one of the packages that smells a hell of a lot like bacon. I unwrap it quickly, groaning at the sight of a breakfast sandwich complete with brioche bread, bacon, scrambled eggs, and cheese. “My favorite.” I bite into it as if there isn’t a good-looking biker watching me devour this sandwich like a feral animal. “So good. What?”