Page 38 of Diesel
She crosses her arms, sticking her tits out. “You won’t be saying that next week when your bitch is gone, and your dick is hard. You know where to find me.”
I see red at her words, and she’s fucking lucky I don’t hit women for the simple sin of being a bitch. “Fuck off, Layla, before I have Ace boot your ass the fuck outta here. For good.”
She pouts and stomps off. I should feel bad for being such an asshole, but I don’t.
I just want to find Cassidy, dammit. Is that so fucking hard?
Someone clasps me on my back, and I know it’s one of my brothers without turning around. “Grab your beer and come with me.” It’s Wild Man’s voice, and I grunt over my shoulder at him.
“I’m not in the mood, Wild Man.”
He laughs. “Don’t give a fuck, brother. Get moving, or I’ll drag your ass with me.” Instead of staying to make good on his threat, he walks away because he knows I’m too fucking curious not to follow him.
“Another beer, Trudy.” I take it when it arrives, pushing off the booth slowly and going down the hall that leads out of the clubhouse, where it looks like half the MC is gathered. Ace, Dix, Coop and Lucky all turn to look at me, and Shades pulls up behind me, squeezing my shoulder.
“My invite must’ve got lost in the mail.”
Wild Man snorts from his spot on the picnic table, his gaze on the tablet.
“What’s up?” All of my brothers have serious expressions on their faces, which is either really good news or fucking terrible news. “What?” I bark louder the second time.
No one says a goddamn thing, but Ace takes the tablet from Wild Man and turns the screen to face me.
I step forward and take the tablet. It’s a bad photo with a big ass flash and she looks stunned. Pale.
“Where’d you get this?” I look up, first at Ace and then Wild Man. Even though she looks dazed and slightly confused, this photo gives me hope. A lot of fucking hope, actually.
“Ghost,” Ace bites out. “This came about an hour ago from Ghost.”
“He has her.” It’s not a question. Hell, it’s not even a surprise. Smart money was always on the fact that he’d picked her up. “When are we going to get her?”
“That fucker is demanding half a million dollars,” Shades growls. “For hersafereturn,” he adds, in a tone that tells me his opinion on the matter.
“It’s bullshit,” I say, my gaze landing on each of my brothers but lingering on Lucky, pleading with him to back me up. “I mean, we all know this ransom bullshit, right? At best, it’s a trap, which means we have to plan. Right?”
Shades sighs, and I turn to face him, holding my breath and clenching my free hand into a fist. “She’s nothing to us,” he begins in a calm, even tone. “Honestly, if you ask me, she’s not worth the risk.”
“Letty wasn’t a part of us either, but we helped her because it was the right thing to do. If we hadn’t, you wouldn’t be fucking her today. Would you?”
He balls his hands into fists, and I stand taller, silently daring him to deny it, to come at me. Instead he keeps his arms relaxed at his side and arches a brow at me. “Are you fucking her?”
“I didn’t say that, and what the fuck does that have to do with anything? The fact remains that they have her and they think she’s worth half a million bucks. We still have a beef with them, so rescuing her is just another chance to get back at them. What’s the downside?”
I ignore the acid churning in my gut at the fucking betrayal, but I know Cassidy needs to be rescued above all else. No telling what those monsters are doing to her.
“Wild Man, did you find anything in this photo?”
“Not yet, but I’m still looking.” He doesn’t look up from his ever-present tablet, and I know he’s a man of his word.
I look to Ace and then Dix. Neither seems like they’re on my side. I get it. I really do. There’s always a risk doing shit like this, butwe’ve done it time and time again to save people who had more concrete ties to the club than Cassidy does.
“Okay, fine. You don’t give a shit that Cassidy is innocent and going through hell because of us? How about this: we should accept the offer just to find out where they’re holding her. We all know this is a trap, right?”
Everyone agrees.
“Then we have nothing to lose by negotiating and trying to find her.”