Page 62 of Diesel
Aria screams again, hands covering her ears, and her body slumps into a tight ball.
“You fucking shot me,” Ghost whispers, the shock on his face putting a smile on mine.
“Turns out you’re not the army you think you are.” My aim isn’t great, though. One bullet went through his thigh instead of his chest, and it looks like the other missed him completely.
“You need target practice.”
I aim and shoot again, but the bullet flies right by his head, and he topples to the ground with a grunt.
“You need a hospital.”
“Aria!” The male voice is so frantic with worry that I know it’s Lucky, so I step back against the wall, not wanting to get caught up in whatever happens next. “Aria, where the fuck are you?”
“In here,” I call out when she’s too emotional to answer. “It’s okay, Aria. Lucky’s here.”
She looks up at me as if I’m speaking a foreign language. “You shot him,” she stammers and gets to her feet just as Lucky, Diesel, and Tank rush into the office.
All three men take in the scene. Aria’s tear-stained cheeks and mussed hair, Ghost moaning in agony on the floor, and me shoving my gun back into my waistband. Lucky runs right to his woman. “You okay, babe?”
She wraps her body around his, sniffling as she shakes her head. “He was looking for Brooke, but he called her Monica.”
I say nothing as I look away, and my gaze slams right into Diesel. He stares at me like I’m a ghost. We stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, neither of us saying a word because there are no words to say for what’s between us. We both made our choices, and that’s that.
“Come on,” Tank growls. “Let’s get this piece of shit out of here.”
His words snap Diesel out of his shock or fog or whatever it is that just passed between us. His gaze slides to Ghost, and in the next moment, he’s marching toward the man who knows he’s beat but still tries to fight the inevitable. Diesel gives him one hard punch that knocks him out, and they drag him from the office.
The drama is over nearly as quickly as it began, though it feels like the last ten minutes have lasted a week. My hands start to shake, and I’m cold as shock starts to set in, or maybe it’s just the adrenaline wearing off.
Aria leaves with the guys, and I’m alone. Again.
I go back to my truck, park in the corner of the lot, and lock it up tight before I climb in back and settle in for the night. My thoughts go to Diesel. He looked good tonight, but it doesn’t matter because he didn’t say a word to me. I was right.
There’s nothing left between us.
Coop and Preacher are the last to arrive at The Chamber, wearing serious expressions. “You got him?” Coop asks as he looks around at all the brothers gathered.
“Yeah, we got him,” Lucky growls. “Fucker went in search of his bitch and threatened Aria.” He’s still pissed about it, and I don’t blame him. If Cassidy hadn’t been there, who knows what might have happened. He glares at me hard, and I look away.
It’s not my fault, but he has to be pissed at someone, and for now, that someone is me. “Cassidy was there, and she shot the fucker in the thigh.” I didn’t even know she was in Angel Harbor because she didn’t reach out to me.
“We owe her,” Lucky grunts, his gaze still on me as if to tell me not to piss her off again. “And right now, I owe this fucker a beatdown.” He crushes one fist into the other palm, and I almost feel bad for Ghost.
Ace clears his throat. “Let’s get in there and handle this shit. I’m sick of BTD.”
We all echo that sentiment, and when Dix opens that metal door, we go into the darkness, down the stairs, into the belly of The Chamber. It’s dark except for one bulb hanging above two figures slumped over with black hoods over their heads. We surround the two metal chairs on all sides so they know there’s no place they can run in here. They are at our mercy, and we have none for them.
Ace snatches the hood from Ghost’s head, scowling down at him. “Got anything to say?”
He blinks a few times, letting his eyes adjust to the light. When it does, he grins up at Ace and shakes his head. “Not one fucking thing. What do you want to know?”
“Nothing,” Ace replies coldly and steps back beside Dix.