Page 65 of Diesel
“Diesel,” I say, keeping my voice low and even, with no traces of emotion.
“Hey, Cassidy. Can we talk?”
Nowhe wants to talk? It’s the last thing I want to do. “Go ahead. Talk.”
He sighs, “I owe you an apology, Cass. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, that I didn’t listen to you.”
I shrug off his apology, not because I don’t believe it, but because it doesn’t matter. “It’s fine, Diesel. Thanks for the apology.”
“Cass, please,” he sighs. “I was an asshole about the whole thing, and that wasn’t what I wanted. It isn’t what the fuck I want.”
I swallow because now we’re getting to the truth. “Okay, then. What is it that you want? You need me to accept your apology? Fine, I accept it. I think you’re sorry, and I appreciate that.”
“Uhm, we’re just gonna give you guys a minute.” One of the guys helping load the trailer looks between us, clearly uncomfortable.
“No! We’ll go someplace else. Sorry about that,” I say with a smile and walk away from the truck, Diesel close on my heels.
“Cassidy,” he growls and the deep sound rushes down my spine, producing goosebumps all over my skin. “What I want is you.”
His words stop me in my tracks and makes my heart leap, whether I want it to or not.You totally want it to, my heart taunts. I risk looking over my shoulder, and the affection and desire I see in his eyes catches my breath. “Me?”
“Yeah,” he grins, nodding as he circles me, not stopping until he’s standing in front of me, close enough that I can see the gold strands in his hazel eyes. “You, Cass. I want you. I like you a lot, and,” he sighs, rubbing a hand over his scruff.
“And what?”
“And I want you to come back to Angel Harbor when you’re not on the road. I want to be the one to make your return special, each and every time, Cassidy.”
My heart pounds like a jack hammer in my chest, his words everything I’ve ever wanted to hear from a man. I shake my head. “You don’t have to say this out of guilt. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“You don’t believe me?” He closes the distance between us and hooks one hand around the back of my neck, pulling me in until our foreheads meet. “I think you do believe me, and you’re scared.”
I scoff at his accusation, pulling away from him but not out of his grasp. I roll my eyes. “What do I have to be scared of?” Besides everything?
“I let you down. I know that, and I’ve been kicking my own ass since I came home and found you gone,” he says, the sound low and deep, and fuck me, so sexy. “I’m going to make it right.”
“And what if you can’t make it right?” I want to believe the words coming from his mouth because the truth is, I haven’t stopped thinking about him since I left Angel Harbor, but I can’t let myself believe him.
“I can,” he replies quickly and with certainty. “I know I can. You just have to give me a chance.”
Yes, please.“Why? Why should I trust you again? More important, why should I give you the chance to hurt me again?”
“That’s fair,” he answers, still gripping me like he’s scared to let me go, like if he blinks, I’ll be gone again. “I care about you, Cass. You care about me too, I know it. And you know as well as I dothat we could be something really fucking good if we don’t fuck it up.”
“You think I care about you?” I do, but he can’t know that because I haven’t been obvious about it. Have I?
He shakes his head. “No, I don’t think you do. I know you do.” A slow grin spreads across his face. “You fucking adore me the way I adore you. I don’t even know when it happened, but the moment I found out you were kidnapped, all I wanted was to bring you back to me. And watching you walk away from me damn near killed me. That doesn’t happen to me, Cass, not ever. I’m not the guy who cares like that, not about anything but my MC. And now you.”
I open my mouth to deny his words, but he puts a finger over my lips, and rakes his hand through my hair, letting it linger.
“Don’t even fucking think about denying it, Cass. For now, you can lie to yourself, but don’t lie to me. I can see it in your eyes even now that you give a damn. I saw it last night in Aria’s office. The happiness and then the pain.”
I look away but not for long because he turns my chin back until I’m looking in his eyes.
“Last night I had MC shit to take care of, and I couldn’t say everything I wanted to say in that moment. You deserve better than a fly-by apology, Cassidy.”
“Okay, maybe Idocare about you, Diesel.” It’s more than maybe, and his stupid, sexy, smug smile says he knows it, too. “Dating a trucker isn’t easy.”
“Life ain’t easy, babe.”