Page 35 of Stolen Innocence
“I…I…I…my girlfriend ghosted me for no reason, damn it! Now she’s disappeared.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake.“I see. You must be Miss Alissa’s stalker ex.”
“I’m not stalking her, I—”
“Shut up.” I patted him down with my free hand, finding his pistol, a zipped sandwich bag full of chloroform rags, handcuffs, heavy duty zip ties, and condoms.
“Oh lovely, a little rape kit for your night’s entertainment. Aren’t you a cop, you piece of shit?”
He stiffened, but stayed where he was, wary of the gun. “What? Who…who the fuck are you?”
“Her bodyguard. Got a tip someone was stalking her place. Didn’t expect to run into a dirty cop, but here we are.” I steppedback, keeping my gun on him, and pulled out my phone with my free hand. “Look at me, you piece of shit.”
I got some choice snaps of him crouching in the driveway of Alissa’s apartment building, with the address plate in frame, along with his face and the items at his feet. The gun, I kept.
“Now, here’s what we’re gonna do. You are going to fuck off home. You are never to contact or do anything to interfere with or harm Alissa. Otherwise, I send these pictures of you and your rape kit to your boss, your mother, and the press.”
“Look,” he said, pasting on a smile, trying to be man-to-man reasonable as I snapped more pictures. “My girlfriend’s just dramatic, okay? I would never hurt her.”
“What’s the chloroform for, then?”
He started to splutter. “It’s not what you think—”
“I don’t have time for this.” I grabbed him by the collar and shoved the pistol under his chin. “You came here planning to kidnap, rape, and probably murder a woman who dumped you weeks ago. I’m no fool. I deal with shitty domestic abuser cops all the fucking time. I know when one of you scumbags is handing me a line of bullshit to justify putting an innocent woman through hell. I would probably be doing the world a favor if I pulled the trigger on you right fucking now.”
“You wouldn’t dare. I’m a cop.”
“Not tonight, you’re not.” My pistol had an exposed hammer, I thumbed it back for emphasis and he started sweating in the cold. “Tonight, you’re human garbage out to do unspeakable fucking things to someone who doesn’t deserve it.”
“Why do you even care? Who the hell are you?”
I was so angry that I could barely think straight. Who was this filthy, murderous cop really? How dare he think he could turn Alissa,myAlissa, into a statistic. I wanted to put a bullet through his head. I wanted to seal his feet in concrete and leave him at the bottom of the nearest lake. I wanted to punish him, make an example of him that would scare dirty cops for generations.
“I work for her,” I replied, deciding to keep with the lie. “She suspected she was being stalked, so she hired security. Glad she did—you’re every inch the psycho she expected you to be.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, sounding plenty scared now. “O-okay. Okay. I get the message. Leave her alone. I’ll just do that from now on, okay? I’m leaving.”
“It’s not that simple.” My tone was cold. “You show up at your ex’s home with a rape kit, probably planning to murder her after, you can’t just walk away after and expect us all to forget about it.”
“You’ll be way deeper in the shit than me if you pull that trigger,” he warned me. “Cop killers don’t get off easy around here. And what else can you fucking do, call 9-1-1?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of taking footage from the building security cameras and her dashcams, putting them together in a nice little timeline of you stalking her, and send it to the press while identifying you.”
That seemed to scare him even more than the gun. He went sheet-white, and his eyes widened further. His lips trembled. “You wouldn’t. You can’t. I…I’ll do anything.”
I just stared at him. “You really can’t take being exposed, can you? You fail at being a cop, you fail at being a boyfriend, and your response is stalking, harassment, rape, and God knows what else. But you know that’s wrong, because you’re shaking in your fucking boots at the prospect of people finding out you do that shit. You’re not just a sicko, you’re a coward.”
“L-look, what is it going to take to get you off my back? You want money? You can have it! All of it!” He was trembling so hard that I expected him to piss himself. Some men could dish out threats, but just couldn’t handle taking them.
It was taking all my self-control not to pull the trigger on this piece of shit. “I don’t want your fucking money. I make more than you’ll ever see in your life, and I manage to do it without hurting any innocents.”
His nose was running, his eyes brimming with tears. “What do youwant?” he sobbed.
“I want to blow your fucking brains all over the sidewalk for trying this,” I growled, and immediately smelled his bladder letting go. “But that doesn’t matter, fortunately for you. What matters is what’s best for Alissa—something you never took into account. And I don’t think she wants your death on her conscience. So, here’s what we’re going to do. You are going to go home, grab your shit, and be over the state line before dawn. Never return. If you do return, or do anything else to cause problems for Alissa, I will release the tapes. Then I will come after you. If that happens, pray the internal affairs men find you first.”
He nodded frantically and scrambled away from me, almost falling over in the process. I stood there like a statue, stillpointing my gun at him. He kept backing away, bumped into his car, and edged around it, fumbling for his keys.
I didn’t relax until he had driven away. I didn’t know if I had made the right call in sparing him. But besides what it would have done to Alissa, that sick coward had been right about cop killers. Just not in the way he thought.