Page 54 of Stolen Innocence
“You would really have to ask the police why they failed us, ma’am,” Alissa said softly, but firmly. “I couldn’t tell you. All that I know is I hired a private investigator right after I got this letter and started a fundraiser to cover paying him. I got far more support and results from doing that than I ever got from the police.”
“And once you hired a private investigator, how long did it take to find your daughter?”
“Two days.”
“Two days,” the woman repeated, brown eyes full of solemn concern. “Eleven months…and two days. That’s quite a contrast.”
“Yes, it is,” Alissa said, wiping a tear.
“How do you feel about how the case was treated by the police?”
Alissa’s gaze lowered. “I don’t think I’ll ever trust them again.”
“That’s completely understandable, under the circumstances. Have they said anything to you about this? Has there been an apology?”
“No, not at all. In fact, I’ve gotten some threats.”
The woman’s eyes widened. “From thepolice?”
“From one officer in particular. There’s an ongoing internal affairs investigation, so I can’t name names. But he took it personally that I haven’t been quiet about how badly the police mishandled finding my baby.”
“My God.” She turned a shocked look to the camera. It was all theatrics, but I loved it anyway. It was going to drive Alan and the others completely up the wall. But they wouldn’t actually retaliate against Alissa. Not with me around.
They wouldn’t dare.
“So how is Michelle doing after all of this? You said she doesn’t talk.”
“Not much yet. She’s seeing a therapist and a speech specialist, and things are progressing. But it’s only been a week since we got her back, so it’s probably going to be a while before we really see results.”
“What happened to the Ivanovs?”
“It seems like karma got them,” Alissa replied, glancing my way for a split second. “There was a gas explosion at their house behind the daycare. It was in the news. They were home at the time.”
That part was not true. It was the story she and I had come up with to cover for the Ivanovs’ disappearance. Sergei had already found where Vasily had the remaining two holed up. I would be paying them a visit soon enough.
“Karma indeed. And what about you? How are you doing?”
This time, Alissa’s smile was stronger, and she made eye contact with me. “Better.” She looked back at her interviewer,bouncing Michelle on her knee while she giggled. “We’re both much better.”
We stopped at a burger place and were waiting for our order to be brought out when Alissa’s phone rang. She looked at it and frowned, then handed it over to me. Another unknown number. That only meant one thing.
I scowled as I connected the call.
“You absolute bitch!” Alan again, his voice breaking with emotion as he immediately went into full tantrum mode. “How dare you! How fucking dare you make me—us—look bad!”
“You did that to yourself,” I replied flatly.
He went dead silent, then demanded, “Who is this? Where is Alissa?”
“This is Gregor Makarov.” My voice deepened with menace. “And I told you what would happen if you caused her any more trouble. So…see you soon.”
He hung up and I handed back the phone, chuckling. “I don’t think he will be bothering you again.” Some men were such thickheaded dolts that they only listened to other men…and even then, sometimes, they had to be reminded.
She smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Gregor.” Her voice lowered. “I hope he crapped himself.”
Michelle giggled beside me, and Alissa let out an embarrassed laugh. At least if Michelle decided she’d picked up a new word, she might be inspired to start talking again sooner. And ‘crap’ was still pretty tame.