Page 2 of Kindled Hearts
The guy paused. “I’m just trying to get to know you.”
He wasn’t putting down the yarn. “I’m Lark Meadows. I’m nineteen, a Virgo, I’m majoring in marketing, and if you don’t put down that very expensive merino wool yarn right now, I cannot guarantee your safety.”
The guy quirked an eyebrow. “You’re weird.” He finally started to place my yarn back down, but didn’t quite let go of it. “I like weird.”
A literal shiver went down my spine. I considered giving him a good jab in the hand with my crochet hook, but a deep voice distracted us both.
“You heard the lady. Get lost, Jake.”
Reid Ramsey glared down at the yarn-touching guy, Jake. Reid wore a tight green shirt, the muscles in his arms flexing as he crossed them over his broad chest. He gave Jake his best protective big brother expression, one I’d see him use a thousand times when it came to Thea.
Jake withered under the threatening stare, scooting away from me like I was poisonous and finally releasing my yarn. “Hey, I’m just trying to be friendly. She was sitting here all alone.”
Reid’s gaze narrowed. “Do you want his company, Lark?”
I shook my head as I snatched up my yarn ball and balanced it on top of my knees against my chest. “I’m good.”
Jake grimaced, and Reid jerked his head toward the kitchen, where most of the party was gathered. “Go.”
That was all Jake needed before he leapt up and scurried away.
I let out a relieved sigh, relaxing a fraction.
“I never liked that guy,” Reid grumbled as he collapsed onto the couch next to me, propping his feet up onto the coffee table.
“Who is he, anyways?” For the first time in an hour, I uncurled my legs from against my chest and straightened them out, wincing at the stiffness in my knees. I set my yarn and crochet project carefully next to me.
Reid looked at me like I was crazy. “He’s Delainey’s brother.”
My mouth fell open. “Delainey Hawthorn?”
“Uh-huh.” He nodded.
I pressed a palm to my forehead. “Dang, I never even noticed Delainey had a brother.” I kept to myself as much as possible. Maybe too much.
Reid’s lips thinned. “I’m pretty sure he tried to pick up Thea, too. It’s not a great look, hitting on all your sister’s roommates.”
I shivered again.
Reid was a senior at Ember Hollow College, and it still impressed me how well he managed to keep track of his little sister even when he was busy with his fraternity and getting ready to graduate.
“Well, thanks for chasing him away.”
Reid’s muted green eyes met mine. “I’m sure you would’ve handled him if I wasn’t here.”
I couldn’t argue with that, but he got it done a lot faster.
“I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” Not that I was surprised that the youngest of the Ramsey brothers was here watching over his little sister, but I did remember Thea doing her best to keep her brother away from our house tonight.
“Ruby was excited to come. Apparently, my little sister is hosting one of the top Halloween parties this year.” He rolled his eyes, looking a bit green in the face. Or maybe it was just his outfit.
My eyes roamed down his green shirt to the equally green, and equally tight, pants. “I’m assuming Ruby picked out your ensemble?” His girlfriend, Ruby Rivera, had Reid wrapped around her skinny, manicured finger.
Reid rubbed his palms over his thighs. “Uh, yeah.”
“What are you supposed to be?”
His jaw clenched. “Peter Pan.” When I didn’t reply, he absently ran a hand through his sandy-blond hair. “There was…a hat with it. I took it off.”