Page 27 of Kindled Hearts
Xander planted a kiss on the top of Thea’s head. “Really, babe. I’ll come back in the morning. It’s fine.”
Thea looked at him, and some of her rage leaked out of her. “You don’t have to go.”
“I want to. I want you to get some sleep.”
She held his gaze for another moment before deflating. “Okay,” she said, giving up.
Xander gave her his bright, half grin that I knew made her melt. “See ya soon.”
He turned, giving Reid a cautious wave before he headed out the door and it snapped closed behind him.
Thea gave her brother another glare. “You’re the worst.” But she sounded less angry this time and more tired.
Reid stepped toward her, giving her a quick hug. “Love you, too. I’m just looking out for you.”
She reluctantly gave him a small squeeze back. “Whatever. I’m going to bed.”
Thea turned and started up the stairs to her room, stumbling slightly, but Reid stood at the bottom and watched like a hawk until she made it to the top.
Delainey let out another long sigh, her arms crossed over her chest. She wasn’t happy about Owen leaving either, but she wasn’t one to start a confrontation. “I’m gonna go to bed, too. It was a great night…until it wasn’t.” She shrugged and turned on her heel, heading to her room down the hall.
It was only Reid and me left standing in the space in front of the door near the staircase. The sudden silence in contrast to the loud party had my ears ringing. Reid tilted his head as he met my eyes.
“You okay over there, little butterfly?”
I frowned at him. He hadn’t called me that since we were kids, but then I remembered my costume. I was a butterfly tonight.
I nodded but didn’t say anything. My stomach felt upset since the police had left, like it was twisting into knots, and the floor had started a weird undulating thing that made me feel like I was standing on a boat at sea. I didn’t like it.
Reid stepped closer, his mouth thinning. “You look a little green.”
I blinked up at him. He was so tall. “You’re green,” I mumbled. He was; that Peter Pan costume did nothing for him.
His lips tipped up at the corner, but the worried look didn’t leave his face. “Do you need some water?”
The thought of drinking water made me blanch. My stomach tightened, and I clamped my mouth shut so tight I thought my back teeth might break.
Reid’s eyes widened.
Oh, God. This was not happening. This was not happening.
Sweat pricked on my skin as the terror hit me.
It suddenly was very clear why I didn’t drink. Since I was little, I had an irrational, consuming fear of throwing up. It didn’t make sense; I knew that. Everyone had to puke sometimes. It was a basic human function, but I hadn’t puked since I was six and I was damned if that was going to change now.
I swallowed hard, fighting back the nausea with every ounce of strength that I had.
“Lark.” Reid’s voice sounded like a warning. He turned around, opening up the bathroom door behind him. “Come on. I really don’t want to clean up puke off the floor.”
I shook my head, tears erupting in my eyes as I tried to force my body not to do that. Anything but that. Being in the bathroom would make it so much worse.
Reid frowned as he watched me, and then his face softened. He took a few long strides toward me, and I backed away from him. I wasn’t going to go into the bathroom.
He stilled. “Calm down.” His voice was low and soothing. “Take some deep breaths.”
His chest expanded with an inhale, and I found myself mimicking him, breathing in and out in a steady rhythm.
“That’s it.” He nodded encouragingly. He reached for me, and I didn’t pull back as he grabbed my wrists and applied pressure to the delicate skin on the inside of my wrists with two fingers. I glanced up at him. “Close your eyes. Keep breathing,” he instructed.