Page 49 of Spell Check

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Page 49 of Spell Check

That revelation made me perk up at once, as I was sure he’d intended it to. Still, I tried to be casual as I responded, “And?”

“No soap,” he said, and I deflated at once. “He said he’d take my judgment into consideration, but that there was still enough evidence for him to proceed with the case. He’s expecting to have a trial date set next week sometime.”

Damn it. I supposed I should have been glad that Henry had spoken up at all — he definitely hadn’t been required to stick his neck out like that — but still, it didn’t appear the D.A. was going to unbend even the slightest inch.

“Well, thank you for asking,” I said. I hesitated then, wondering if I should even mention it, but since Henry had shown he was willing to go to bat for Victoria, I figured I might as well make the attempt. “Do you think there’s any way to get the judge to loosen up the terms of her bail even the littlest bit? It’s going to be awful for Archie and Victoria to lose out on their Napa honeymoon, but if you put in a good word for them, maybe he could have them only stay in the state instead of being stuck here in Globe. At least that way they’d be able to go to Sedona or Flagstaff, or maybe just to the wine country nearby in Willcox and Sonoita.”

For one long, uncomfortable moment, Henry just gazed back at me, expression impassive as usual. I was sure he was going to shoot me down, but then he said, “I’ll look into it. Don’t get your hopes up, though.”

“I won’t,” I replied. “I mean, I won’t say anything to Archie or Victoria until you get back to me.”

“I’ll see what the judge has to say,” Henry told me.

He seemed to decide that was the only end cap our conversation required, because he turned away and headed back outside. I lingered behind the counter, sending every positive thought and silent prayer I knew winging out into the universe so my friends would be granted just this smallest bit of grace.

I supposed I’d find out soon enough whether it would be sufficient.


Getting Nailed

Apparently, the universe wasn’t listening to my pleas, because Henry called my cell phone about an hour later and said without preamble, “No go. The judge doesn’t want your friend leaving town. She and her new husband will just have to amuse themselves here in Globe.”

Disappointment shot through me, but I kept my voice level as I said, “Well, thanks for trying, Henry. I appreciate it.”

“It was no trouble.” A pause, and he went on, “You mean you’re not going to swoop in and save the day this time? I was sure you would’ve nailed our killer by now.”

His voice was its usual deadpan self, so it was hard for me to tell if he was joking, especially since I couldn’t see his expression. I took his remark at face value and said, “It’s not for lack of trying. And if you have any additional pieces of information you’d like to give me, now would be the time.”

He chuckled. “I think we’re just about as stymied as you are. But if we come up with something, I’ll let you know.”

After delivering that promise…which I wasn’t sure was sincere…he ended the call. I stowed my phone in my purse just as a couple of high school girls came in and headed straight to the incense display. Luckily, they weren’t paying any attention to me, because the Goddess only knows what my face must have looked like right then.

The only good thing — if you could even call it that — about this whole mess was that I hadn’t said anything to either Archie or Victoria about trying to get the judge to alter the terms of Victoria’s bail, so at least I hadn’t gotten their hopes up over nothing.

I’d definitely have to do my best to swallow my disappointment, though, or she’d be sure to ask me if something was wrong when I met her and Hazel at Paradise Nails only a few hours from now. She’d probably understand why the judge was being such a jerk, but I preferred for her to stay blissfully ignorant of the whole situation.

Maybe it was for the best. At this late date, I didn’t know whether I would have even been able to find a hotel room for Victoria and Archie, no matter how much cash I threw at the problem. Because that had been my plan — to get the judge to alter the terms of her bail, and then surprise the couple by telling them I’d already booked their room and that all they had to do now was go forth and enjoy themselves.

I reminded myself that the important thing was for my friends to have their wedding and enjoy their day. A honeymoon was certainly the cherry on the top of that particular cake, but they could always take their trip later on after we were past all this mess.

Then again, how much could they even relax and allow themselves to have fun at their wedding, knowing that Victoria would be going to trial for a murder she didn’t commit? I had no doubt they’d put on brave faces, but there would be a shadow over their special day, no matter how cheerful they might be acting.

Unless, of course, I managed to figure this out before then, and since I didn’t have any new clues and it didn’t sound as though Henry did, either, I kind of doubted that was going to happen.

Melanie came out from the storeroom then, dusting her hands on the legs of her jeans. “All set,” she said cheerfully. “Anything else you need me to do?”

“No, that was it,” I replied. “You might as well take it easy today, since you’re going to be working solo tomorrow and Saturday.”

That prospect didn’t seem to faze her too much, because she only shrugged and said, “I’m sure it’ll be fine. But I was wondering if you planned to put up any Halloween decorations? The other stores I’ve gone into lately seem to have everything set out already.”

Getting ready for Halloween had been just about the last thing on my mind the past couple of days, but Melanie was right. If I didn’t get my rear in gear, there wouldn’t be any point in decorating at all.

“I was,” I said, and sighed. “It’s just sort of slipped my mind. But we should probably start putting up the decorations. They’re in the very back of the stockroom, in a couple of big plastic bins labeled ‘Halloween.’”

“Let me handle it,” she said. “You can keep an eye on the customers while I work. That way, you won’t be over-exerting yourself or anything.”

Once again, I found myself surprised by her thoughtfulness. The last couple of years, I’d had to maneuver putting up holiday decorations around helping clients, and I had to admit it could get a little tiring.

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