Page 29 of Ice Cold Player
I slapped a hand over Danny’s mouth, but he kept mumbling behind my mediocre barrier. “Ignore him. He doesn’t know anything. I promised my friends I’d come to the game. They were very excited.”
On cue, Reece skated by the plexiglass in front of us and blew me a kiss, followed by Cole who waved, and Gavin whosescowl implied he’d happily murder both his brother and possibly the man talking to us. When his eyes met mine, the violence melted under scorching heat. I was surprised the ice didn’t start steaming.
His gaze stayed trained on me for another long beat before he turned away. Danny chuckled behind my fingers, and I quickly yanked my hand back. I wanted to fan myself—when had it gotten so hot in the arena?—but Michael caught my attention by clearing his throat.
“Look, you’re very pretty, but hockey isn’t really my thing. Besides, you seem busy.” He nodded toward the ice. “Why don’t we try this again some other night? I’ll text you later.”
Michael didn’t wait for me to confirm before walking up the stairs to the exit. A new record thanks to Danny and my roommates. Dad’s pick hadn’t even lasted through warmups. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but if I was, it definitely wouldn’t be with someone who bailed at the first sign of difficulty.
Danny nudged my arm. “Aren’t you going to thank me for scaring him off?”
I checked to make sure Michael really was gone before responding. “No, but I’ll let you buy me some nachos and sit next to me for the game.”
“Now why would I want to do that?” he teased.
“Didn’t you hear?” I asked in a chipper voice. “I’m very pretty.”
He scrubbed a hand down his face with a laugh. “That you are. I can’t wait to see you square up against Gavin. Can you let me watch?”
“No. No. I’m far too pretty to hear anything you’re saying right now.”
Danny’s smile widened. “No wonder he’s so obsessed.”
I dropped the jokes and settled deeper in my chair. “He’s not obsessed. He’s just trying to figure out how best to keep me from murdering him before the year is out.”
“Why would you murder him?”
I pursed my lips, deciding how much I wanted to share with the trouble-making twin I didn’t know. My reasons weren’t a secret, neither were Gavin’s actions. With a mental shrug, I told him about Kayleigh.
Danny sat up and faced me, the first time he showed any inclination of caring about our conversation. “Do you mean the drunk cheerleader?”
“Yeah. I didn’t realize the incident was common knowledge.”
“It’s not, and you don’t know the whole story.”
I raised a brow. “And you do?”
He gave me an amused smile. “I was there, Shortcake.”
“Okay, no. I hate that nickname more than Princess.”
He laughed. “You don’t hate Princess.”
I didn’t, but I wasn’t about to back down now. “I do. Gavin is an ass, and I hate the way he says it in that smug voice.” Though I loved it when he whispered it in my ear right before he made me come.
Danny leaned back, tucking his hands behind his head. “Sweetheart, I’m an expert on Gavin’s smug voice, and when he calls you Princess, he’s staking a claim. You’rehisprincess. Gavin doesn’t do things halfway. He’s afraid you’ll use your superpowers to find out all our secrets and use them against us, but he wants you close too.”
I ignored Danny’s view of the situation, mostly because it tempted me to think about another round with Gavin after our one and done. “I’m not interested in your secrets unless they affect me. What do you mean you were there?”
“I was late coming into Wildcat the day your boozy friend showed up. She tripped over my foot when I held the door for her.”
“At leastyouwere a gentleman,” I muttered.
His sly eyes slid toward me, so different from Gavin’s despite looking exactly the same. “I’m no gentleman. Gavin’s the one with the hero complex, not me.”
I snorted out a laugh. “I find that hard to believe considering he sent my drunk friend back to her car before calling the police on her.”
Danny stared down at the ice, then jerked his chin to his brother glaring up at us. “You should talk to him about it.”