Page 38 of Ice Cold Player
“You’re the one fucking with my life—you don’t get to be upset right now.” She pushed past me, making it to the archway leading to the kitchen before I blocked her.
The dining room had emptied, but the kitchen was full of people, so I lowered my voice. “Like hell, I don’t. You let him touch you.”
Eva’s chin lifted as she glared at me. “I letyoutouch me. He tried and failed to grab my ass all on his own.” She shoved against my chest, but I caught her wrists, holding her there.
“As I remember it, you decided run off with that guy instead of letting me touch you.”
She huffed. “That doesn’t mean I was going anywhere alone with him.”
“Not cute enough for your tastes?”
Instead of struggling, she flattened her hands and stepped closer. “I guess I’m looking for something a little messier.”
The air vibrated with her words, and I couldn’t look away. A challenge passed between us—a blurred line we hadn’t crossed yet—but then she pulled her wrists out of my loosened grip.
“My date’s over, but I’m not ready to go yet. I’ll see you later.”
My brows flew up. “You’re still looking for a hookup?”
“A girl’s got needs.”
“Princess, I know all about your needs, but you’re not satisfying them here.”
Her jaw firmed. “I’m not going home.”
I tossed her pouty ass over my shoulder, making sure the bottom hem of her dress stayed in place without her flashing anyone. Eva locked her legs together, and I had to resist the urge to lick the flexed thigh muscle next to my face.
If she wasn’t going home, I was theonlyone who’d be taking care of her needs. She wanted a hookup, so I’d give it to her—complete with an asshole exit strategy. Hopefully, I’d prove she was looking for a lot more.
The pulsing beat of the music in the living room matched the pounding in my blood as I crossed the room. Mase raised a brow when I passed him, but no one else seemed to notice I was carrying their campus queen to the first empty room I could find.
“Gavin, put me down,” she hissed at my ass.
For a second, I wondered if she might bite me, but the joke was on her. I liked that shit.
“Gavin.” Her tone was getting frostier by the second, but she couldn’t wiggle without losing half her outfit.
I skipped the stairs in favor of a long, dark hallway. The Kappas looked like they’d left the lights off to discourage people from coming this way. Good. The first door I tried was a linen closet. Not big enough for my purposes. The second door was some kind of study. Shelves lined the walls stacked with thick books I’d bet no one used.
I set her on her feet, and she immediately went for the fancy bar cart in the corner. The glasses in here were real, and the liquor was probably meant for impressing rich alumni. Eva poured two fingers of amber liquid and held up the glass in a toast.
“Fuck men.” She tossed back the expensive whiskey as if it were a shot of Fireball. “Next time I’m going straight for the alcohol instead of sipping water all night.”
Eva set the glass down and wandered toward me, trailing her fingers along the desk then the bookshelves. She stopped about a foot away and spread her arms. “What’s your plan here, Gavin? Keep me away from all the dangerous orgasms at the party?”
“No.” I moved toward her, gratified when she held her ground. “I’m planning to keep all the dangerous orgasms in here.”
“What are you saying?” she rasped.
I ran my fingers under her dress and slowly dragged my hand up, the way I’d wanted to do earlier. “You want to get off? Use me.”
She eyed the door as I inched the material higher. “All I have to do is say stop and you’d be hands off.”
“I would, but you’re not going to ask me to stop.”