Page 53 of Ice Cold Player
A flutter in my chest warned me he wasn’t the only one. I liked Gavin. A lot. More than I was supposed to. Danny was right though. Gavin didn’t meet my dad’s standards, and I’d signed away my right to choose my dates until I graduated.
Even if I gave in, we’d have to hide the relationship, and Gavin deserved better than a half-assed girlfriend. Goosebumps rose on my skin at the term I’d never associated with myself, but the heavy kernel of fear never appeared. The deep-down feeling of never being good enough had faded to a faint shiver.
With Gavin, I always felt worthy.
As if he knew I’d been weakening toward him, my door burst open. No question who it was this time. Gavin strode inside, hair still wet from his shower at the arena, sweats riding low on his hips, and I had to lock my knees to keep from taking a step toward him.
Gavin’s gaze swept the room, pausing to check me over before shifting to glare at his brother. The two men faced each other, so similar at first glance, but I had no problem seeing Gavin’s ingrained confidence next to Danny’s thinly veiled resentment.
“Get out,” Gavin growled at his brother.
Danny hesitated a second, and I knew with every fiber in my body if he didn’t start moving, Gavin would physically remove him. Quickly and possibly painfully. Danny must have read the intentions on Gavin’s face because for once he didn’t say anything snide back, just left. I didn’t spare him a glance when he closed the door softly behind him.
I cocked my head at the man who refused to let me dismiss him. “Can I help you with something, Gavin?”
He stalked forward, and I didn’t move an inch. The frustration and anger on his face when he’d barreled inside was replaced with a possessive heat making me wetter than I’d ever experienced. What the hell was wrong with me?
I lifted a brow, maintaining eye contact as he approached. “Well? You’re prowling around, ordering people out ofmyspace. You must need something, right?”
“You. I need you.”
My heart flipped over at his rough words. I should have realized the second I let Danny into my room. I was already lost.
“I have a proposition.” He wasn’t going to like it, but it was all I could offer at the moment.
Gavin stopped in front of me, his chest rising and falling in uneven breaths. “What more do you want from me, Princess?”
“You can have me, but no one can know.”
He shook his head slowly. “I want more than sex.”
I swallowed and said the words I’d sworn weren’t for me. “Me too. I’ll give you a chance, with all the benefits and consequences until one of us says otherwise, but we can’t make it public. No one can know.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.”
I laughed, a little bit hurt he hadn’t jumped on my offer. “I’m acutely aware of what I’m asking for. I’m just not convinced you can give it to me.”
“And you think Danny can?” He sounded like he was on the verge of chasing Danny downstairs and making himself an only child. Maybe I was more like Danny than I wanted to admit, but I couldn’t resist pushing Gavin to take my deal.
“What’s the matter, Gavin?” I taunted. “Not willing to share with your little brother?”
He wrapped his hand around my throat, not squeezing, only holding me in place. “Let’s get one thing clear. I willnevershare you. For however long we’re doing this, you’re mine. Understand?”
I nodded, a tiny movement at odds with the overwhelming pressure in my chest.
His thumb traced the column of my neck to lift my chin. “I want to hear the words, Princess.”
“I’m yours,” I repeated, feeling the last of my resistance fall.
“Right answer,” he whispered, putting pressure on my chin to part my lips.
Heat flared in his eyes as he dropped his mouth to mine. His hand slid around my neck to tangle in my hair, and I opened for him without a second thought. Gavin kissed me slowly, thoroughly, savoring me as if he had all the time in the world.
I melted.
I knew what he could do to my body, but his kisses unwound me. He felt like coming home, like I belonged here, with him. I exhaled my surrender, and the hunger snapped taut. Gavin made a low noise of encouragement, and I scrabbled at the hem of his shirt, yanking it up.