Page 117 of Where We Belong
“I’d understand if you hadn’t known he was my dad, Killian. But even now…you texted me this morning, but couldn’t share that you were meeting with my dad? You know who told me?”
I didn’t respond. Her citrus scent was overwhelming my senses, making me want to pull her back into my chest.
“My mother. She was trying to schedule a lunch for me and my dad. She mentioned some sullied biker club that he was meeting with.”
An echo of one of my fears reared its head, forcing my patience to snap.
Her father was stopped by Harris, and Riley. Hugh was screaming but we’d begun walking back toward my truck, which she parked further down the drive.
The gravel crunched as she stormed away but I was on her heels.
“Exactly, Laura. You grew up in a world that doesn’t even touch mine. Your dad is a sick fuck, but he’s still your dad. I wasn’t going to ruin that for you. You don’t understand the way my world works. This is likely just a passing moment for you. You’ll wise up in a few years, go back home and marry some senator’s son.”
She scoffed, swiping at her nose and eyes, but I knew deep down I was right.
“What are you saying right now, Killian?” She stopped by the hood of my truck.
I couldn’t take the look on her face, but it felt like this might be the only chance I had to set her free.
“I’m saying that I think we’re having fun…but I have no delusions that it will last. You’re going to leave…one phone call from home, and you’ll be back at the family mansion, attending parties and playing the role of dutiful daughter.”
Watching as she wore every single emotion on her face was breaking me. I just needed her to be safe and not a target anymore... I wanted her to tell me I was wrong and wrap her arms around my neck, vowing to never leave me.
“If that’s what you think then there’s nothing I can do to change your mind, Killian.”
Her steps crunched the gravel under our feet as she gave me her back and walked around to the drivers side door, and then got in.
Fuck. This was all a mess, and I just needed a second to think before anything else happened.
Right as I thought it, my phone buzzed in my pocket.
Jameson King.
“Ya.” I stood there watching as the woman I loved backed up and drove away.
Jameson didn’t waste a second. “I need to move Penelope tonight. Some shit is going down. I need your help, Quinn.”
What else was going to happen on this fucking day?
Rubbing the stress out of my forehead, I tried to think.
“Yeah, okay. Bring her, we’ll get her set up.” I’d have to tell him about the attack, so he was aware, but that was just one more problem I’d have to solve later.
My gaze lifted to where Laura had driven off.
You said I was more important than the club.
She was; I just didn’t know how to prove it.
I circled Rose Ridge for half an hour.
Mostly, I just had to clear my head, but the idea of using all of Killian’s gas held some appeal. Now, I was back at the club, needing to talk to Callie and Natty to get some perspective. They both had been in the club in some aspect for a long time; perhaps there was an element to Killian’s freak out that I was missing.
I scaled the steps and knocked on Natty’s door.