Page 127 of Where We Belong
Our club wasn’t being very welcoming, and I didn’t entirely blame them, but they’d have to acclimate.
“We have a common enemy,” I said, standing at the front of the room. Jameson King was standing next to me.
“Jefferson Quinn and Luke Holloway are forming a new club. They took over half of the club from Chaos Kings, Mayhem Riot and even a few members from the Death Raiders have joined.”
Silas wasn’t pleased to learn this, but he’d declined on attending this little meeting. When he learned that we’d be inviting Jameson to live on our club property, he was less than thrilled and even delivered a warning that he might be popping in from time to time.
Whatever the fuck that meant.
I stared out at the group of men in front of me. Their cuts had skulls wearing crowns, ours had the skulls with roses blooming from the eye sockets. Most men wore grimaces and anger laced each and every word that anyone muttered.
“For the time being, we’re allies.” Jameson spoke up next to me.
“Where is our club going to go? We can’t both be here in Rose Ridge,” one of his members asked. I saw a few others nodding their heads. A few of mine shook their heads, almost as if to silently say they weren’t welcome here.
“We have a large house on the back of the property. It’s big enough for the ones who need a place to live. For the rest, you can drive back and forth. There’s a separate entrance, so you won’t even have to drive by our club, or even be a part of it. You’ll be on your own.”
Someone scoffed, and a few others grumbled.
“We understand this isn’t perfect—” Jameson started.
“But it will work,” I cut in.
“Just until we find Jefferson and Luke,” Wes added, and there was a sound of agreement finally coming from both clubs.
Then Jameson leaned over the table and leveled each of his members with a glare.
“While you’re here, you will be respectful of the town, the club, and its women. And I can’t stress this enough...” His glare turned glacial. “If any one of you tries any shit with Penelope, I will kill you on the spot.”
His members nodded their understanding.
I gave the same speech to my men. “Penelope is under Stone Rider protection. She isn’t to be touched, talked to, or even smiled at. Everyone understand?”
Everyone agreed.
I could tell Jameson’s shoulders relaxed a bit.
“While we have so much manpower, maybe we should take care of those fucking activists.” I smiled at the room, and a chorus of agreement went up. While Silas indeed had gone back to enact revenge on the bloggers, they’d seemed to disappear entirely. Then it became difficult to nail down who had been a part of it. We couldn’t kill fifty people and have it go unnoticed by the feds. So, we came up with a better idea.
I held up a file and slapped it down on the table.
“We were able to grab a print from the Zippo lighter one of the assholes dropped that tried to start Callie’s car on fire. The rest of the bloggers have been meeting at the local coffee shop. We’re going to begin collecting their prints. One by one.”
“And do what with them?” someone called.
I smiled at Wes, who smiled at Jameson.
“We’re going to plant their records on open investigations—specifically ones that could tie back to either of our clubs. These fuckers will go down for crimes we committed.”
The laughter in the room made my heart soar.
I wanted to brag and tell them this was Laura’s idea. My evil little genius. She had asked me a few days ago whatever happened with the lighter she’d grabbed. She’d also told me about their meetings in the coffee shop, and it clicked. Plant evidence, framing them for crimes we committed.
Shut them the fuck up.
I was president now, and with half the Chaos Kings here, it wasn’t going to be easy, but we’d make it work.
Honestly not much was phasing me, not as long as I had Daisy.