Page 13 of Where We Belong
The thing was nearly as tall as me, and just as old. It got stuck nearly every single day. Considering the majority of my job included keeping up the books for the club and filing enough legal documentation that it would pass with state auditors, I was in the cabinets all the time. I also helped file receipts and ensured the various club owned businesses were organized, up to date and regulated with the state offices.
There was an older cabinet squeezed along the back wall that was locked, and only Red and now, I assumed, Killian would have a key. No one ever asked me to open it, and no one ever told me what was inside, which I was perfectly fine with, considering I was eager to find a new job soon.
I only had this one because Wes pulled a few strings for me. Him deciding to marry my best friend basically meant she got whatever she wanted, and at the time, she wanted me to stay in Rose Ridge. Not that I hated being here, or even working here, but I needed space from the club. Especially after my confusing outing with Killian yesterday.
His big night was looming over our heads, and I was getting antsy with the timing of it all. With it being Thursday, I assumed his initiation or ceremony would have taken place last night. Give him a new patch, or whatever, and they’d throw a party. One, I’d decidedly miss if at all possible, and then we’d move on. But no.
They were dragging this thing out. First, we spent yesterday, prepping and purchasing all the goods. Today would be spent cooking and doing food prep, and then tomorrow would be the first party thrown, but Red had made it clear, they’d be partying all weekend.
Honestly, I was considering a quick trip back to Richland so I could skip the whole thing.
My mom had become a little desperate for me to return home, and while part of me wanted to pretend it was merely because she missed me. I knew better.
“Come on,” I grumbled, tugging on the cabinet door once more with effort.
Stupid. Fucking. Thing.
My thumb was raw from trying to slide it into place and pull at the same time.
“That one sticks.”
I spun around, surprised by the smooth, familiar voice. Sometimes Brooks would hang around because Red was, but she was at home today, and the only other person milling about was Natty…so my heart was pounding fast at the unexpected intrusion.
Killian stood in the doorway, staring down at his phone like he hadn’t been talking to me. A piece of his thick hair fell into his eyes, and my stomach clenched at the sight of it. I loved his hair, hated myself for loving it, but loved it just the same. I constantly fought the urge to run my fingers through it. Feeling that familiar flush creep into my face, I returned my focus to the cabinet. I hadn’t seen Killian since I left him at the coffee shop, after he accused me of sleeping with Kip.
Giving the drawer another tug, I froze when I saw Killian move around in my peripheral.
“Here.” He stepped closer, and I moved completely, allowing him access to the cabinet.
His dark brow rose in question. “I’m not going to bite you, Daisy.”
That nickname made my neck warm for some reason. Maybe because we’d had to interact yesterday, and now we were again. It was the most I had seen him in three months, and he hadn’t called me Daisy since that night three months ago, before he started avoiding me.
“Let me show you how to do it.” He coaxed, green eyes steady and solid until I was moving back in front of him.
He was at my back, and his hand eclipsed my smaller one. His thumb hovered over mine, and then, for some reason, his free hand moved to my hip.
I inhaled a sharp breath right as he pushed his thumb down, his hand over mine tugged on the handle and then kicked the bottom of the cabinet all at the same time. The drawer slid open and I fell back into him, so much so that he had to move his hand from my hip to hold me up.
“See, you got it now.” He laughed and helped me stand up.
I knew better than to expect any kindness from him, so I put distance between us and smoothed out my shirt. He watched me move and then let out a small scoff.
“You think I’m gonna hurt you, Daisy?”
His leather cut was over a white long-sleeve today, one that gaped at the neck, revealing more of his ink than usual. His hair cut into his eye, forcing his hand up to push it back.
“Not physically.”
His eyes narrowed, then his mouth opened like he was going to say something, but Giles walked in.
“Good, you’re here. Did you explain to Laura what we’ll need her to do?”
My eyes snapped back over to the new president. He had a small flush working into his wide jaw.
“Just about to.”
Killian pulled out a key and went to the cabinet I never touched. Bending down, he slid the metal inside and then tugged the top drawer open.