Page 52 of Where We Belong
He shrugged, lifting the bottle. His biceps flexed, showing his ink, distracting me from my question.
“That’s not how this works. I answered, now it’s your turn.”
I shook my head. “You asked me about my last name after I’d already answered.”
“Nope that was all a part of the same question.” Killian smiled.
“So is mine,” I argued, feeling light and free as I grinned.
“Tell you what...” Killian sidled closer, sitting next to me on the couch. “Answer dare and I will answer your question about why I don’t think I will ever love.”
Now he’d made it too intriguing.
“Fine.” I let out a sigh. “Dare.”
His rough voice replied immediately, “I dare you to come here.”
I was already shaking my head as I noticed his palm gently slap his thigh. He clicked his tongue with a roguish smile.
“I’m not asking you to strip, or to fuck me. I just want you in my lap…and if you prefer a different dare then I’ll dare you to go into the attic.”
I stood, making a show of not doing what he asked. “Point the way to the attic, I’m not afraid.”
I didn’t love the idea, but I wouldn’t back down now.
Killian smiled but didn’t move.
“You don’t want to. Trust me. My pops murdered someone up there.”
Okay, well, that changed things. I faltered, still standing, but gaping back at him.
“How old were you when that happened?”
His green eyes held mine, and I had a feeling he wouldn’t answer because of the rules, but I still wanted to know.
“Ten. I was the one who discovered her. Blood was leaking down through the attic door. Pops was gone, so I pulled the string and lowered the stairs, so I could go up. Every step was already soaked in her blood, and when I crested the top, there she was.”
“Oh my god.” I walked back to the couch, holding my stomach.
His father had done that to someone…I tried but failed not to imagine a younger Killian, big green eyes, those thick dark lashes as he slowly walked up those steps. How horrible that must have been, how that pain and horror had to have curled inside him like a nightmare, never letting go.
He looked up at me, almost in a teasing fashion, which made me wonder if his story was even true. I found that I didn’t really care.
“Climb on, Daisy.”
I only hesitated for a second before reminding myself that I was out of here. I was only in town for a few more days, then I wouldn’t ever have to see him again.
My left knee pressed down into the sofa; my right knee landed on the opposite side. Before I had a chance to lower myself down, his hands gripped my hips and pulled.
Our faces were so close now, I could see the tiny hairs that had already begun growing out after his shave. I could see the tan lines around his eyes, as if the sun had soaked his face, but spared the space where he wore sunglasses. I saw how his eyes reminded me of a meadow early in the morning when the sun kissed the grass. I hated how beautiful they were.
“A pebble,” Killian whispered.
I quirked a brow at him as his hands stayed on my hips.
“You asked me why I would never fall in love.”