Page 77 of Where We Belong
Briskly making my way downstairs, I slipped out the front door and tucked my arms to my chest, watching the front of the club. There were still people milling about, but over by the garage, I could make out a flash of honey blonde hair and that tall stature I had come to know so well.
Natty was standing next to Killian; he was saying something to her while handing her a bucket helmet. She smiled up at him, and then he handed her a jacket.
Confusion swept through me as I watched. She took the jacket while Killian explained something to her, a frown tipping her lips down. She shook her head and handed it back, which made me walk closer to get a better view.
Killian glared, pushing the jacket toward her once more.
Natty stepped back, glancing at Giles, and waved him over. She said something to him, resulting in him sliding out of his jacket and handing it over to her. She slid it on and then held her hands up toward Killian as if she were innocent of something. He shook his head and straddled his bike. Natty climbed on behind him, and then her arms went around his waist, and it felt like my heart was being strangled just as tightly.
Tension gathered in my chest, as I watched them leave. Honey hair flying in the cobalt sky, the remnants of the storm still lingering in the air.
Giles finally turned and caught me watching, a furrow to his brow when he took in my expression. I swallowed thickly as he seemed to register my reaction to Killian and Natty. His brows shot up as he started shaking his head, then he was veering toward me. I backed up and slipped into the apartment before the vice president could make his way over.
It wasn’t like Killian owed me anything.
We weren’t together.
I blinked, staring at the apartment and realizing Killian had moved in, and now he was with another woman. A woman he’d put on the back of his bike and handed his jacket. That was the equivalent of being given a property patch in the Stone Riders. A tiny voice in the back of my head reminded me she hadn’t accepted it…but he’d still offered it to her.
Which meant…I needed to get the hell out of his house.
I made my way upstairs, numb and unfocused.
He was free to do whatever he wanted. The fact that hurt was swelling like a balloon in my chest only meant I’d been a fool. I had to remind myself that this was what I had expected to happen after we’d had sex. I knew it was merely an itch to be scratched.
Now he’d scratched, and he was moving on.
But why had he told me to shower and wait for him? Why kiss me?
Didn’t matter.
Dressing quickly, I packed a small bag that I could use to store my things overnight , including my glasses and toiletries.
“Phone charger,” I mused out loud, tugging mine from the side table outlet.
I gave the room one last look, feeling a strange sadness well within me. I’d have to come back for my suitcases, but I could do that later when Callie was with me.
Pushing past the doorframe, I flicked the light off and jogged downstairs.
I didn’t want an audience for what I was going to do next, so I left through the back door and ventured down the patio and through the yard until I was exiting the gate. No one was outside hanging out in the backyard, which was a nice reprieve.
There was a side entry into the kitchen, that only Natty, Red and Killian knew about, and he only recently learned because he’d become president. Wes knew, but we’d changed the code since the shift in leadership. It wasn’t like we didn’t trust the rest of the club, but it was our little secret and a good way to load in groceries without everyone in the club seeing.
Peeling the panel back, I pushed in the code and opened the door. I could hear voices from the bar, which was toward the opening of the kitchen. The door I came in was back near the storage shelves. Tucking my bag closer to my side, I made my way past the large industrial oven, and stainless-steel tables, until I caught sight of Red.
She was pouring someone a drink, shootin’ the shit. I waited until Red turned and waved her over.
Her white brows furrowed as she glanced back once more to the member at the bar.
“Hang on sweets, gotta check on somethin’.”
She sauntered back, tossing a dish towel over her shoulder as she walked. Her eyes took in my appearance then dipped to the duffel at my side.
“What happened?” she asked as though she knew it was only a matter of time before I stood before her with a duffle bag in tow.
Smiling and acting as though nothing was wrong, I shook my head.
“Nothing is wrong, just need to ask if there’s an open room I can snag until I can find a more permanent solution, which I can secure by tomorrow. I’m sure of it.”