Page 95 of Where We Belong
“Something like that.” My gaze returned to the window, needing to steer this conversation somewhere else. The idea still felt like I was placing a spotlight on her, a dinner bell for anyone who wanted to hurt her.
I needed to tell Wes who Laura was.
The longer I kept it to myself the more dangerous the situation was becoming. I would after this, so we could stay focused.
We’d finally passed the city and were approaching a few farms. White fences stretched along the yellow weeds; the deep navy sky above made the farms look practically dead. Sasha and Simon’s came up as we curved the road, their small cottage-style house, adjacent to a big red barn, gave the appearance that a happy couple lived here. Not a dying man and the woman he stole from a rival club.
Parking off the shoulder of the driveway, we exited quietly. Wes took his phone out and shot a text to Callie, and I did the same with Giles. Once he got a response back, he waved us forward. Callie was probably going to kill us both for doing this, but if Wes wasn’t worried then I wasn’t going to either.
Sasha was Silas’ mother; they’d both been Death Raiders for years until Simon Stone, the leader of the Stone Riders, stole Sasha from them. They’d been together for nearly five years, until Simon passed…or so we assumed. Turned out, he was just being a devious, calculated prick. A dying one, but not dead. Simon being Callie’s dad, and Sasha being Silas’s mom, had put the rest of us at the very awkward disadvantage of having Sunday brunch together each week. I was invited because Callie and Simon considered me family. We had a truce each time we gathered; there were no patches or clubs…
Except today.
Today there’d be blood.
We made it around the house and to the back door when Simon met us. He looked tired, his usual hazel eyes were dim, his skin pale and his hair lackluster. His muscle mass was waning too; he nearly looked like a wraith standing in front of us with just a simple t-shirt, his leather cut, and blue jeans too loose on his hips.
“You have ten minutes. I told Sasha I wanted to walk through the greenhouse and check on the peppers we’re growing. Once she’s in there, I can usually keep her there for a while. Since no one else has arrived yet, I’m assuming Silas will just be on his phone, waiting.”
He still assumed his daughter and her friend would be arriving. We were tricking him too, told him we only wanted to scare Silas a little, our old leader had no idea what was actually in store for Sasha’s son.
We nodded and waited around the side of the house for a few more minutes until we saw Simon and Sasha walking toward the greenhouse. Wes pulled up the footage for the camera on his cell and entered the house through the side door. I pulled a Glock out from the waistband of my jeans and kept it pointed down. Slowly making my way through the living room, clearing the dining room, I finally paused when we reached the foyer.
With his back to us, Silas was on the phone facing the door.
His black hair was slicked to the side like some villain from Peaky Blinders, and his Death Raider cut was layered over a black hoodie. I lifted my arms, aiming at him, and then pulled the hammer back, letting the click of the gun being armed fill the room.
The leader of the Death Raiders turned, lowering his phone.
I held out my hand for the device while keeping my gun on him.
He was about to lunge, but Wes was there, holding his phone up with the camera footage on it.
“I don’t think so.” The live feed played, showing Callie crossing her arms while talking to Natty. Laura was there too, and all three women looked pissed. There was no audio, so he had no idea what they were saying. What it looked like though was that we were holding Natty hostage, especially because the girls decided to talk in the cellar.
Silas had pale blue eyes, so pale they reminded me of something supernatural…like a ghost or a wraith. They were looking between Wes and me as though he wanted to rip our throats out.
His gaze slid to the window then back to us.
“You threatened the Stone Riders, you stupid fuck, of course Simon,” I said, barely holding my anger in check. I wanted to kill him, but Simon made me swear I wouldn’t.
Silas’s eyes flicked to the screen.
“If you hurt her, I have ways of enacting revenge from the grave.”
“What is your fucked relationship with Natty? She acts like she doesn’t even know you. Are you stalking her or something?” I asked, stepping closer.
He merely glared at me.
“Let’s get him in the barn before Sasha comes back. We can’t get any blood in here.”
Wes pushed Silas forward, and he walked out through the front door and kept walking until we were inside the barn.
“You wanted an alliance, and instead of asking me why she was talking with Jameson King, you just attacked us. At our own club. You knew it would brew a war. What I want to know is why.” I pushed him one last step, until he was at least ten feet from us, and our weapons were on him again.
Silas left his arms loose, keeping his gaze on the exits.