Page 11 of Unbroken Embrace
“Thank you,” he said, wincing a bit as he started to feel the pain. She led him into the back room of the bookstore and had him sit in a much too small chair. He felt like a giant who’d invaded a kindergarten class. Wordlessly the woman cleaned the wound, assessed it, and then wrapped it. It wasn’t in need of stitches. Nothing more than a graze with the blade. He’d had worse. The bullet wounds certainly fit into that category.
After a few moments the woman disappeared and came back with a few books in hand. Most of the bookstore books were written in Italian but there was a small section of books written in English. She’d pulled those from the shelf along with a smallItalian to English dictionary. She laughed as she handed that over.
“For a while,” he nodded indicating he’d be staying in town for as long as he would be needed here.
She smiled and pushed the book into his chest indicating if he was going to be around, he should learn some Italian.
For now, he was the guardian of these people, the man who stood up to threats and fought for those who couldn't. It felt so much better than the position he had been in. How he’d felt trapped and helpless. He did what he could to help Rose and the others from inside the organization, but at the end of the day, he’d failed them. This could be different. He needed it to be different.
The moon cast a soft glow through the curtains, painting shadows on the walls of the tiny cottage by the water. It was a peaceful setting, a stark contrast to the turmoil that churned within Rose. Nathaniel had been thrilled about spending time by the ocean. Mick was good at this. He could see tensions rising and Rose feeling unsure of what to do next to comfort her son about this hectic situation. Mick was clever. Sandcastles and splashing in the salty water had cooled things down. Settled things for at least a day or two.
Rose had, however, not been soothed by the rolling waves of the ocean. She knew her son would soon slip back under the dark feelings he was fighting. It wasn’t his fault. He’d seen so much. Been through hell just like her. Until they found a place where he could really start his life and settle in, there would be no real peace.
She tossed and turned, the sheets tangling around her legs, strangling her the way life seemed to be doing these days. The news that she and Nathaniel were finally free to leave, following the completion of their legal obligations, should have brought relief. Instead, it only deepened the well of uncertainty thatseemed to surround her future. She had nothing. No money. No job. No car. She was exhausted. Physically burned out.
Not knowing was painful. She’d survived with all those other women. Some who’d been beaten. Some who’d been separated from their children without any indication of where they’d gone. Rose had done her part in testifying, but she wanted to know more. How was everyone? Where was everyone? The nonprofit had been exposed and people would be prosecuted, but not everyone. And those who were free to go, would they hold a grudge?
Unable to find solace in sleep, Rose pushed herself out of bed, the coolness of the floorboards a welcome shock to her system. She padded quietly into the kitchen, her thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities and fears.
As she reached for a glass, a hushed voice sounded from outside, drawing her attention. The sliding door was open, a gentle breeze fluttering the curtains. Mick stood just beyond the threshold, his phone pressed to his ear, his voice a low murmur that sliced through the silence of the night.
Rose strained to listen, her heart pounding in her chest as snippets of the conversation reached her. "It's time to tell Rose the truth," Mick insisted, his tone laced with frustration. "Getting her and Nathaniel out of the country is the right thing to do, Carmen. The arrangements need to be made."
The words hit her like a physical blow. She was fully at the mercy of these people. They’d been supportive. They’d worked to keep her safe. But this phone call, Mick’s words, reminded her that she was still not in control of her own destiny. At the mercy of someone else. She held her breath as she listened to him go on.
“There are rumblings on the dark web right now. Rose’s testimony is powerful. They know it. I’m worried we’re underestimating the chance of retribution.”
Mick's mention of the dark web and the lingering risk sent a shiver down her spine. The pause in his voice and then a grumble of agreement didn’t bring her much comfort.
“You know I have things under control here,” Mick went on. “And yes, we’re in a secure location. But they’ve been through hell. You could arrange the flights and I’d get them to—” He was cut off abruptly and looked disappointed. “I got it. Okay. We’ll do what we can here.”
With a deep breath, Rose stepped into the moonlight, her presence an unspoken demand for answers. Mick turned, his expression one of resignation, as if he'd been expecting this moment. He ended the call with a terse, "I've got to go," his gaze never leaving Rose.
They stood there for a moment, each waiting for the other to say something. Finally, Rose found her voice, though it trembled with the force of her emotions. "What's going on, Mick? What truth are you keeping from me?"
Mick ran a hand across his chin, the lines of his face etched with conflict. "Rose, I’m on your team. Your side. I promise. You’ll have to trust me a little longer.”
“You get that I’m tired of it, right? All these people for years promising me they know what is good for me. How to help me. And then I end up powerless. Stuck. Maybe I should go my own way. I’ll take Nathaniel. Find a job. A school for him. I’ll make my own way.”
“I’ll feel better when everyone is behind bars. And I’m working on something that I think will be good for you and Nathaniel. I just need the timing to work out. Carmen and I will find some common ground. Once that’s in motion?—”
“In motion. That’s how this feels. Like it’s this runaway train. I don’t get to decide where it goes, or when it stops. Do you know how bad that feels? And Harry—” she stopped short, shocked at how her voice cracked with uncontrollable emotions.
“I know. Trust me I get it. You deserve to be able to make your own decisions. I don’t like this any more than you do.” His phone rang and he looked at the screen and seemed torn.
“Carmen calling back?”
“No,” Mick replied, still looking pained. “It’s Charlize. She’s dealing with some stuff at home.”
“Oh,” Rose replied, feeling suddenly selfish. “I hope she’s okay.”
“She’s balancing some light and some dark. I’m worried she’s going to lean too hard into one or the other. I just hope she’s...”
“You should call her back. Make sure she’s okay.”