Page 38 of Lennon
When my brothers come rushing into my office, their eyes wide and wild, I know they must have crossed paths with our woman. Fuck. Why didn’t I talk to them about this first? They would have stopped me.
Which is why you didn’t talk to them.
“I’m sorry,” I can’t look at them as I apologize. They both freeze and the truth, the entire fucking story, comes tumbling out of my mouth. I don’t look at them as I tell them what I did, but I can feel the anger rolling off them. “Go. Get her. I’ll stay at a hotel while she’s there. I fucked up. I know I did, but I didn’t realize it until it was too late.”
“You’re not staying in a hotel,” Jordan huffs, “and neither is she.” I look up at him, unsure how to process his words. “Get your ass up. We’re going to go and get our woman, grab her stuff, and take her home. It is where she belongs.”
“Then you’re going to get on your fucking knees for her and worship every inch of her until she forgives you,” Kemp adds, steel in his voice.
I shake my head because I know it’s not going to be that simple. Lennon has every right to be pissed at me. I went over her head and created a situation I should have never created.
“Oh, it won’t be easy,” Jordan assures me like he can read my thoughts. “But she’s worth it.”
His words strike a chord deep inside of me and I start to nod. She is worth it. She’s worth fighting for. Just like she’s worth doing anything to get close to.
Did I go about it the wrong fucking way? Yes, and I knew it the entire time. It’s why I was being sneaky as fuck about it.
I was focused on where I wanted us to get to because I know we’ll be happier when it happens. She’s mad, rightfully so, but she belongs with us.
I stand up slowly. “I should not be the one to do the talking,” I grimace as I speak because that is an understatement. I really shouldn’t even be going.
But she’s worth it.
And I need to do prove to her I’m worth it too.
Worth her forgiveness.
Worth her love.
As I follow my brothers out of my office, Jordan quips, “Can we stop for popcorn on the way? This is going to be entertaining as hell.”
If I thought I could kill my brother and get away with it, and Lennon wouldn’t have a huge issue with it, even if she might not be opposed right now, I would wrap my hands around his neck myself. I know it wouldn’t go over well in the long run which is the only thing saving him at the moment.
What a stupid fucking thing to do. He had already overstepped once, and Lennon handled it with grace. He was warned. Yet here we are again.
The air in the car ride is tense as fuck. Jordan is just as pissed as I am, while Lachlan is beating himself up. I totally understand what he was saying when he told us he instantly regretted his actions. By then it was too late.
I do believe our woman has a kind heart and she will find it in hers to forgive him. He’s been in charge for so long without having to truly answer to someone. Seeing him put in his place where he’s expected to think about more than himself and the outcome of his actions, is refreshing.
Our woman should have never been put in the position she was put in. I won’t be surprised if we get there, and she refuses to come with us.
I know Lach was being honest when he offered to stay at a hotel instead of the house. I’m hoping it won’t come to that, but we’ll see.
There are workers outside of the building when we pull up, clearly getting ready to tent the building. We might own the place, but it’s rare for us to get involved in the day-to-day activities or even the rental of properties. We made an exception for Lennon because we wanted her to be safe.
I’m out of the car before I have it fully parked. I don’t want to miss her in all the activity, and we’ll need a little bit of privacy for this conversation. I breathe a sigh of relief when I get to her door, knowing my brothers are right behind me, and she’s opening it and about to step out.
“Lennon,” I keep my voice calm and even, but it doesn’t stop her from jerking and looking up at me with surprised, red-rimmed eyes. I don’t need to look at Lachlan to feel his shame, it’s rolling off him like fucking fog in the morning. I hold my hands up and crowd our woman against her door. “I promise we’ll only take a moment. Let’s go inside so we can talk in private.”
Lennon narrows her eyes at me and Jordan and then backs into her apartment, not giving Lachlan the satisfaction of even a glare. Damn. I almost chuckle at how vicious she is. Since I don’t want her ire directed at me, I keep it in check.
The moment Jordan closes the door behind us, Lennon crosses her arms across her chest and huffs out, “Well? What was it you wanted to speak about?”