Page 43 of Lennon
And she does.
The sounds of our skin meeting as we move faster, filling her at the same time now because she needs it that way, is loud and graphic as fuck. Everything seems to build, the movement, the sounds, the pleasure.
Until it can’t survive under the weight of the moment and breaks.
We shout out as we come together, a wave of something like peace flowing through and around us. My balls ache with how hard I come, but I barely feel it because my focus is entirely on our woman.
When she slumps against my chest, worn out and satisfied, I can’t help but smile and run my hands over her arms and back, wanting her to know I’m right here with her. Wanting her to know I’m not going anywhere.
After we get her cleaned up, Lennon passes the fuck out and I snuggle up against her while holding her in my arms. It’s how I want to fall asleep for the rest of my life. There is no way she can go back to the apartment now.
Unless she’s okay with me moving in with her.
It’s been a few days since everything went down with the fumigation situation and I confronted Lachlan about his involvement and manipulation of the whole thing. He’s been like a ghost in his own home. While I know he’s not doing it to make me feel guilty, I do.
He’s been avoiding me to give me space and to let me calm down. Well, I’m calm now, and I want a fucking explanation. How could he think putting me in a position where I needed help and had a limited number of people to go to would be okay?
I had warned him after he went and talked to Albert without even giving me a heads up. Sure, it worked out just fine, but what if it had gone the other way?
I still haven’t found the courage to talk to mom about the situation. I know I need to, but I’m ignoring it for a little while longer.
What I can’t ignore anymore is the way Lachlan has been skulking about, all broody and intense, while keeping himself scarce. It’s not working for me, but I realize he’s doing what he thinks is right…again.
Jordan and Kemp are out grabbing a few groceries after we got home from work which leaves me on my own and I know exactly what I need to do. I start looking for him in the gym since I have a feeling it’s where Lachlan has been spending most of his time since I came here to stay with the guys.
I’m surprised when I find it empty, but I don’t let it deter me. I check the library, but he’s not there either. I head toward his bedroom and don’t even bother knocking before throwing the door open and strutting inside like it’s my fucking room.
Lachlan jumps about a mile in the air from where he’s sitting on his bed propped up against the headboard. The way he says my name, like I’m his guardian angel goes straight to my heart, “Lennon?” His eyebrows pull together in confusion as his voice takes on a nervous quality, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to talk, Lach. Enough time has passed that I’m no longer ‘rip your balls from you body’ pissed off at you and I do not like the way you’ve been impersonating a ghost in your own house.”
My words, for some strange reason, make Lachlan smile. It’s there for only a second before he shakes his head and looks away from me like he doesn’t deserve to even do that much. That has me sighing. I hate how much he’s beating himself up.
Does that make what he did right? Hell no, but he’s punishing himself far more than he deserves. I need to understand why and then we need to get back on the same page.
He’s looking sexy as hell in only a pair of sweatpants. It’s clear he was at the gym not long ago from the way his muscles are still bulging, and his short hair is darker because it’s still wet from taking a shower. I should not be thinking about how good he probably looked getting out of the shower with water droplets running over his chest and abs.
Nope. I should not be thinking such things, but I am. It’s hard not to, honestly.
“I fucked up,” it’s clear by his tone how much he means the words and how much it pains him that there has been any distance between us.
“You did,” I simply state as I close the distance between us and sit next to him on the bed.
He hesitates when he reaches for my hand, but the distance between us has been hard and I need the connection with him just as much as he needs it. I’m the one who reaches for his hand to entwine our fingers together.
The look of surprise on his face along with a big side of gratitude has my heart beating faster. Yeah, I let this go on long enough. I’m not as mad as I was anymore.
He could have lied to me about what he did, but the moment I called him on his shit he told me the truth. Was it the right thing to do? No, but I can feel his regret like it’s a physical thing in the room with us.
“I won’t do something like that again. I just wanted to get you here because it’s where you belong. We’ve been waiting for you for a long time, Lennon. I needed you to be here. I needed to lock you down so you wouldn’t run or avoid us any longer. I went about it the wrong way. I should have just asked,” he hangs his head with his words, and I can feel his sincerity.
“You should have.”
There’s a little boy’s curiosity mixed into his words, “Would you have said yes?”