Page 47 of Lennon
“See,” Abigail’s voice is teasing as she talks to Dad, “this is why I baked the cake. You can’t have a celebration without cake.”
Dad laughs, a sound I didn’t hear nearly enough as we were growing up. Now it’s something which comes easily to him. I’ve noticed the same thing with Kemp since Lennon came into our lives. I don’t think they realize how similar they are.
With light in their lives, they come alive and shine.
“What kind of cake?” The excitement in Jordan’s voice has us all laughing.
“Chocolate,” Lennon and Abigail say at the same time.
Just like that, we fall into a family dinner to end all family dinners. But it’s not the end. It’s just the beginning. It’s clear from the way the conversation and the love flows around the table.
This is how we were always supposed to be.
When I told Lennon I was sure we would have found each other even if our parents had never met, it was the truth. But fate handed us more than one gift. Not only have my brothers and I found the other half of our souls, but our parents found the same thing with each other.
Life is as it should be.
I glance over at my woman, watching as she laughs and smiles. She takes my breath away.
It’s been far too long since we’ve all been together, and I plan to rectify that tonight. It’s time.
This time, unlike the night we shared at Club Ecstasy, all our eyes will be open to what this is and what our future is. No secrets. No tricks.
Just what is laid out before us and love in our hearts.
Lennon must feel my eyes on her because she looks over at me and immediately gives me a shy smile, one full of naughty promises and hours of pleasure.
For now, I soak up the happiness surrounding us until I can’t take it anymore and need to get our woman home. We’ll remind her why there is only one place she belongs—in our bed in our home. Then we’ll fall into a blissful sleep to welcome a new day tomorrow, one that will be the start of building our future.
Tomorrow and the day after, and the next, stretching before us in a tapestry of joy mixed with challenging times and moments where sadness creeps in even when we don’t want it to. That’s life, but we’ll embrace it.
Always together.
The moment we step back inside our house, which is exactly what it is now, Lachlan sweeps up into his arms. He doesn’t stop moving until we’re in our bedroom and standing next to the massive bed. I’ve wondered how the sleeping arrangements are going to work when all three of my men are in bed with me at night, but they didn’t have a problem working it out last night after Lachlan and I repaired the distance between us.
I should have guessed Jordan would find his way between my legs with his head resting on my abdomen and his arms wrapped around my legs. Lachlan and Kemp flanked me, and it was just fucking perfect.
I’ve never slept as well as I did last night with my men wrapped around me. It only proved to me what I already knew—I’m right where I belong.
With the confessions of our love still fresh in our hearts, our clothing goes flying. And when I say flying, I mean it feels like I’m in a storm of fabric and a little lace until I’m naked and surrounded by my men. Yup, right where I belong.
Lachlan moves first, turning me toward him and cupping my face in his large hands. The emotions swirling in his eyes make my breath hitch. I can hear the words in my soul before he says them.
“You’re it for us, love. You’re everything,” he murmurs softly before he kisses me until I can’t breathe anything but him.
Kemp is next, his hands gentle as he strokes up and down my side, his lips finding their place on my shoulder. “We love you, baby girl. We’ll show you a lifetime of happiness.”
Jordan, not to be outdone, slides his hands down until he plunges two fingers inside of my already soaking wet pussy. “And orgasms. Love, happiness, and orgasms,” he sounds incredibly serious, and I can’t help but pull back from Lachlan’s kiss and laugh.
When was the last time my laugh sounded as bright as it does right now? I can’t remember and if that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.
Lachlan takes a step back and guides his large frame to the middle of the bed. His dark eyes beckon me closer, and I miss the warmth of his brothers as I close the distance between us and straddle his hips. He’s already hard and ready for me, but I’ve found they always are.