Page 27 of Sinner's Mercy
Pulling away from her, I placed myself in front of her. “This isn’t happening. You’ll have to kill me before any of you touch her.”
“Oh, thank God,” Fury sighed in relief while the rest of the brothers took a deep breath that they’d all been holding.
Too bad it was short-lived because the next thing I knew, Montana was in my face, fuming. “You fucking think any of us want to do this shit? We don’t. But a Sinner’s mercy comes witha heavy price, brother. She gets it. She understands. Now fucking move.”
Refusing to budge an inch, Montana wasted no time reaching for his knife. Before I could stop him, he shoved me out of the way and slashed his blade down my wife’s back.
The sound of her scream reverberated through the air, chilling everyone to the bone, much like the piercing wail of a siren.
It was something I would never forget.
Seeing blood drip down her back, I growled menacingly, turning to Montana, who stood rooted in his spot like he was in a trance, looking at my wife’s back. Without thinking, I roared, tackling my best friend to the ground, hitting him.
“You cut her!” I yelled, hitting him again.
Lost in my fury, I didn’t hear the other whimpers or cries from my wife until total silence surrounded me. Looking up, I saw all of my brothers staring at the wall. Each with a blade in their hands, dripping with blood. Slowly turning to my wife, something inside me died the instant I saw her blood-covered back. While I could clearly see the other cut marks, none bled more than the one Montana gave her.
I knew it would scar.
Pushing off him, I rushed to my wife, who tried valiantly to breathe through the pain.
I knew what she was feeling.
I, myself had endured this barbaric ritual many years ago.
“Baby,” I carefully said, brushing her hair away from her face.
Her voice wavered, whimpering as she asked, “Is it over?”
“No,” Montana said, spat blood on the floor before he added. “You still need to punish her, Mercy.”
“I’m not doing it.”
“Either you do it or I will cut her throat.”
“Caleb, please finish it.”
There was no way I could give her what she wanted. Hurting her was the last thing I ever wanted to do. Didn’t she realize that? I loved her. All I ever wanted was to protect her. Cutting her went against everything I stood for. There was no way I could do it.
“I know you don’t want to do this, but please, finish this.”
Looking into her eyes, I could see her determination and resolve. Somehow, she knew this was the only way, but I refused to wrap my head around it.
“Caleb, please.”
“Now, Mercy or I will slit her throat!” Montana shouted angrily, gripping his blade tight in his hand. The motherfucker meant every word. I either cut my wife or he would kill her.
Reaching for my blade, I unsheathed it.
Quickly kissing her, I whispered, “Please forgive me.”
Not waiting for her response, I placed my blade against her skin, sliding it across her bare back as droplets of blood appeared. She didn’t flinch. She never moaned. She stood there and took her punishment. All the while, I condemned myself to hell for what I was doing.
Taking a step back, I refused to look at her.
I couldn’t.