Page 62 of Sinner's Mercy
“How is she?”
“Like you fucking care,” the big brute sneered before walking away. On his way out, he killed the lights, leaving me in total darkness. I knew he wouldn’t be back until he was damn good and ready. None of them would come down here until they all agreed on what to do with me.
Leaning my head back against the brick wall, I had just closed my eyes when I heard his laughter. Looking up, I listened when he said, “The big Caleb Davenport finally falls. If I’d known all it took was fucking your wife, I would have done it a long timeago. Tell me, Mercy, is your wife’s cunt still tight or did I loosen her up for you?”
Slowly getting to my feet, I walked over to the cell’s bars, gripping the cold iron in my hands and the door moved slightly.
Looking down, I saw Malice had left the door unlocked.
I grinned.
“What, nothing to say, brother?” he taunted. “Did she tell you that she begged me to fuck her? Bitch was eager for it, and when I gave her what she wanted, she came all over my cock like a bitch in heat. Gotta say, brother, you trained that cunt well.”
Carefully pushing the door open, I stepped out of the cell and saw a table laden down with all kinds of wonderful instruments; I planned on using every fucking one of them.
There, strapped and secured to the St. Andrew’s Cross, was the son of a bitch I planned on killing slowly. Walking over, I smiled when Cynic said, “How the fuck did you get out of the cell?”
Grinning menacingly at the soon-to-be-dead fucker, I thought of everything I was going to do to the son of a bitch before whispering, “Let’s play a game.”
Chapter Nineteen
“Stop him!” I croaked out, grabbing my throat.
My throat was still sore as hell, but I didn’t give a shit.
I couldn’t believe they put Caleb in the same room as Cynic. Didn’t they know that was like adding fuel to an inferno? “Please, Montana. Stop him.”
“Can’t do that, sweetheart.” Montana shook his head, his eyes glued to the monitors in Shame’s office while everyone gathered to watch Caleb exact his justice for what Cynic had done. “If Mercy doesn’t kill him, Malice will. Motherfucker raped you and shot three of my brothers. Fucker is going to die. Thought you’d be happy knowing he wouldn’t be around anymore.”
“Kill the bastard. I don’t care. He deserves everything he gets, but please don’t make Caleb do it. He’s not thinking clearly right now.”
“Oh, I think he’s thinking clearly, babe,” Payne said, popping some popcorn in his mouth. “Look.”
Turning to the screen before me, I watched as Caleb grabbed a hammer. Palming it in his hand, before he flipped it in the air, then caught it and swung it towards Cynic’s ribs. The man winced, cursing Caleb to hell and back, but Caleb wasn’t listening to him. Instead, he frowned, before placing the hammer back on the table and picking up the sledgehammer.
Cynic gulped.
“See, I would have grabbed the sledgehammer first. Makes a bigger impact,” Storm said, reaching over into Payne’s bowl of popcorn and grabbing a handful.
“Montana, please. I’m begging you. Don’t let him do this.”
The president of the club turned to me. “Why? If anyone deserves to kill him, it’s Mercy. Why don’t you want him to do this?”
“Because it’s not in his nature. Caleb isn’t a killer.”
The brothers laughed.
Laughed at me.
Looking at all of them, I didn’t understand why they thought what I said was funny. I knew my husband. He may punish the guilty, but he was not a murderer.
“Largo, sit the fuck down and let me educate you on the man you fucking married,” Montana ordered firmly.
Taking my seat next to him, he faced me. “Caleb Davenport is the man he shows to the world. The man you married. The father of Sophia. But that is only one side of him. The man in the mailroom, the one torturing that rapist, is not Caleb Davenport. That is Mercy. The vice president of this club. That man on the screen has killed more men than you have fingers and toes. You think killing Cynic will break him? It won’t. Having that motherfucker’s blood on his hands will heal him. He needs to do this, Largo. He almost killed you because his demon couldn’t get to Cynic. From the moment he learned what that fucker had done to you, we all knew it was a matter of time before he broke. Why do you think Tessa and I took Sophia tonight?”
“You knew he was going to break,” I stated solemnly and the brothers nodded. “You were waiting downstairs. You knew.”