Page 10 of Viper's Vendetta
I groan at my first taste. “This is so good,” I tell him.
He chuckles at my obvious pleasure. “Thanks. I learned how to cook late in life. After leaving the club, I realized I needed to learn because there weren’t any Kutte Bunnies coming to do it for me.”
I nod in agreement. “I hear ya. Don’t know what we’d do without them. Although, we have two women who often stay at the club who chip in and cook.”
“I still can’t get over the fact that you’re a biker. God, that sounds misogynistic, doesn’t it? But we didn’t have chicks becoming members when I was younger.”
“It’s still pretty rare,” I admit. “Puma’s not your average President. He’s pretty special.”
“How did you end up prospecting for them? If you don’t mind my asking.”
“Oh, that was all Puma. He saved my life. In more ways than one. When I first met him, I was a showgirl,” I start.
Barry’s mouth drops open as he eyes me. “I can see that. You’re the right height. Fuck, did you used to wear those tall head thingies?”
“Oh yeah. Those are heavy as shit, too. Had to have really powerful muscles to dance in those damn things. I hated them, but in the end, they probably saved me.”
“How so?”
“One night, after a show, I was heading to my car when five assholes attacked me. I guess they saw the show and thought buying a ticket meant they bought us. Fucking dicks. I’m pretty strong, so I knocked out two of them, but the other three were closing in for the kill. Puma showed up and helped me finish them. I was relieved when he turned out to be a good guy because there was no way I could have taken him.”
“Shit, just like those three tonight. You attract the weirdos.”
I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, I seem to.”
“So Puma suggested you join the club?”
“He did. Said I had what he was looking for as a prospect. He invited me to check out the clubhouse and see if I thought I’d fit in. I almost didn’t go. I thought he wanted me to be a club girl, that I misunderstood what he meant about prospecting. But I went. That’s where I met Chill and realized Puma meant what he said. He wanted me to prospect.”
“Yeah, she’s our SOA,” I chuckle when Barry freezes, his spoon halfway to his mouth.
“Your SOA is a chick? Holy shit.”
“I won’t tell her you called her a chick, but yeah, she is. She’s a former Marine and tough. They call her Chill because she loves to use ice in her interrogations. She has multiple ways to freeze the truth out of assholes.”
“Huh,” Barry says, fixing his attention on his stew. “Sounds like Puma knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t sound like any other President I’ve ever met. What does the President of the Original Chapter think about how Puma runs his club?”
“Dante? He and Puma are good friends. I heard Dante recently acquired a female prospect in the San Diego Chapter.”
We eat in silence for several minutes, each enjoying the delicious stew he made. As I use my bread to soak up the last of the stew, Barry broaches a new topic.
“You said you got a late start for your camping trip. What happened? Did you suddenly need to get out under the stars?”
I chuckle and nod. “Something like that. I got some disturbing news today and needed to get out of the clubhouse.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Family shit. I’m not really sure where to begin. Dice, who is our other Enforcer, rescued a little girl from an auction. She’s only six. I found out this morning that she’s my half-sister, which made little sense because I believed both my parents to be dead for the past eight years.”
“I take it they weren’t?” Barry quietly asks.
I shake my head. “My mother took me and left my father when I was eight. We ran from him and hid in Vegas. I had a twin brother that she left behind. She told me that if she’d taken him, my father would have hunted us down. The only reason she gave for leaving my father was that she needed to protect me. One day, I came home from school to find him strangling her. I tried to stop him by bashing him over the head with a frying pan. But it was too late. She was gone. I thought he was dead, too, so I ran. Found out today that he isn’t dead. Also, found outthat a prospect in the club, someone I considered a good friend, is my twin brother. He knew who I was but never told me the truth about his identity. Fuck, this sounds like a plot from a soap opera.”
He chuckles. “You didn’t recognize your brother?”
I shake my head. “I should have. Looking back, people used to say we looked alike, except for our eyes. His are green, and mine are blue. Dice and his Old Lady commented about how Angel, the little girl they rescued, could be our daughter.” I chuckle when I remember the horror on Max’s face at her comment. Shaking my head at the memory. “I should have known he was my brother.”