Page 33 of Viper's Vendetta
It’s grainy, but I recognize the hotel. The camera is at ground level and includes a view of the gas station, but also covers a portion of the steps leading to the second floor. On the screen, a motorcycle pulls into the parking lot and parks just off-screen. Seconds later, a tall biker with long blonde hair, thesame color as Viper’s, steps into view before making their way up the stairs. The biker’s build is slender. So, the witness saw someone matching Viper’s description. But I know it wasn’t her. The camera only catches his boots as they cross the second floor before disappearing. A few minutes later, the biker rushes back down the stairs with their head lowered. The bike tears out of the parking lot a few seconds later.
“Fuck,” I murmur.
“That isn’t me!” Viper protests. “That’s a guy. Look at his ass! That’s a man’s ass.”
I rub my hand down her arm. “I know it isn’t you. I don’t have to look at his ass, thanks. But I can understand why the witness gave the description he did.”
“Run it back,” Puma orders. Spark does. “Can you zoom in on the bottom rocker?”
“I can try, but the quality of the feed is poor.” He fiddles with something until a new image replaces the feed. It’s blurry, but you can just make out the city name under the club insignia. Jacksonville.
“Jacksonville,” Puma mutters. “That’s a start. What does that look like?” Puma points at a small section of the logo just visible under the biker’s hair.
“It looks like a hoof,” I offer. “Any clubs in Jacksonville with a horse in their logo?”
“Not a horse’s hoof,” Puma muses. “Satan’s hoof. Satan’s Spawn has a club in Jacksonville. This biker is likely one of theirs. Hold on.” Pulling out his phone, Puma places a call. “Trouble? Puma here.” Trouble is the President of the Shadow Borns, an ally club in Vegas. They are also part owners of the casino, 1%. “Has anyone from Satan’s Spawn contacted you about being in our territory? They have? Where are they staying? Well, fuck. Okay, thanks. I’ll call you later and explain.” He ends the call and selects another number. “Chill? I need you to locatemembers of Satan’s Spawn staying at the casino. Find them and hold them. Looking specifically for one with long blonde hair. Yeah, we think he’s the one who killed Wayne and framed Viper.” Puma looks at me before giving the last order. “Find him and bring him back here.”
I open my mouth to argue. I’m not clueless. Bringing him back here means they want to deal with him their way. I should question him, but it’s no longer my case. Even if it was, I doubt I could get the info we need. I can’t arrest him or hold him for questioning. Not without explaining how I illegally gained the intel. Spark and Juliet didn’t go through official channels to get the video we used to identify him. Closing my eyes, I let my mind work through the implications. This is the point of no return. Opening my eyes, I see Viper and know what matters most.
The expression on Rafe’s face as he listens to Puma make the arrangements to bring the blonde-haired biker to our clubhouse tells me he’s struggling. Taking his hand, I lead him out into the hall.
“You’re uncomfortable with this plan,” I state.
He nods, running his hands over his face. “I am, but I’ll deal with it. I can’t think of another option. We can’t turn the fucker over to the cops, not without more proof. The video is a start, but we need more. Especially since we didn’t get the video legally. I have nothing to hold over him to get him to talk.”
“You want us to beat a confession out of him?” I ask, trying to hide my smirk.
Rafe rolls his eyes, then shrugs. “A confession would be useful. Knowing why he killed Wayne would give me something to take back to the precinct. Right now, their only suspect is you because of the description the witness provided. If I can produce another suspect, I know the DA will drop the charges against you. You have an alibi.”
I nod. “Okay, we’ll find out if he was the one at the motel and why he killed Wayne.”
Rafe opens his mouth. Closes it. Then opens it again. I chuckle. “Just spit it out.”
He gives me a bemused look. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but can you keep the damage to a minimum so I can book him without getting arrested for police brutality?”
I give him a brilliant smile. “We can do that. Chill’s an expert on getting people to talk with the least amount of damage. One of her specialties is describing how she plans to fuck them up. Many break just on threats alone.”
Puma steps out and glances between the two of us. “Chill’s on her way. Ready?” he asks me. I nod.
Puma turns to Rafe. “You can’t come.”
Rafe holds up his hands in surrender. “Wasn’t planning on it. I’m dealing with crossing into the gray area. Not sure I’m ready for the darkness yet.”
Puma nods. “Work with Spark and Juliet. See what you can find about your lieutenant. We need more information about him and about the guy funding his lifestyle. I feel like that information is key to discovering why he has such a hard-on for Viper.”
Rafe gives Puma a nod before retreating into Spark’s domain.
“You two doing okay?” he asks me as we pass through the common room and out the back door.
“We are, surprisingly. When we first hooked up, I didn’t think it would last. He was a cop. A good one. I didn’t think he could handle being with a biker.”
“I had my doubts about him as well,” Puma admits. “Several times, I thought about suggesting you end it with him.”
“Why didn’t you?” I ask. “If you wanted me to, I would have.”
“I know. That’s why I didn’t ask. I may have doubted his ability to accept us, to accept you, but I never doubted your loyalty to the club. I knew you wouldn’t put us in harm’s way. He’s not fully committed to us, but he’s fully committed to you. And you’re fully committed to the club.”