Page 36 of Viper's Vendetta
“He does. That’s what makes them so useful. Scary as a rattler, but not venomous,” Max says, grinning at the stranger.
“Fuck off,” he mutters as he continues to eye the snake dubiously.
“Rafe Sterling,” I say, introducing myself to the man.
“Tracker,” he grunts back.
“I take it he told you what you needed to know?” I ask Viper, who grins at me.
“He did. He admitted he went to Wayne’s room. That someone hired him to go inside, but he swears he didn’t kill Wayne. Wayne was already dead.”
I raise my eyebrows at her news. “Seriously? And you believe him?”
“Hey, I’m right here,” he objects, but I ignore him.
“We believe him,” Viper says. “Which means someone else killed him.”
“Do you know who hired you?” I ask Tracker.
“No, but I can give a description of the guy. He approached me at the casino, 1%.”
“When was this?” I ask.
“Three days ago.”
“You can sit with me while I go through the security feed. See if you can spot him,” Spark suggests.
Tracker nods, but Viper stops him from getting up. “Your club needs to see you’re alive.”
The door opens, and Puma steps in with six men, all wearing leather kuttes. They’re all laughing, so I’m guessing Puma diffused the situation. A particular talent of his. Most of the guys are looking around the room, but the one in front zeroes in on Tracker.
“You okay?” he asks. When Tracker nods, the man with Prez on his kutte smacks him on the back of his head. “What trouble did you get into now?”
While he explains about the money and the setup at the hotel, I watch Viper. I can tell the other club members aren’t sure what to make of her and Chill. They keep sending the two women questioning glances, but no one has the guts to speak up. Once he’s done, Spark beacons him to follow.
“I heard you had two female members,” their President says to Puma. “Must be hard up for members if you’re letting gashes in.”
Chill growls as Viper rises to her full height. The other President is stocky but short. Viper has several inches on him. Chill moves to the man’s side without him noticing.
Puma chuckles as he takes a sip of beer. “Want to see what they can do?”
Viper turns to the terrarium to release Milo. All six men step back as she drapes the snake around her shoulders and holds his head toward the President. “Let’s go play,” she purrs while Chill chuckles. “Milo here loves it when he gets to play with men. Loves to sink his fangs into their dangly bits.”
“Or I could show you what I can do with ice cubes. Do you want to know how long it takes for a man’s cock and balls to freeze off?”
The men all wear similar looks of horror as their eyes bounce back and forth between the women but never straying far from the snake, who is now twitching his tail like a rattlesnake.
“Uh, yeah, we’re good. Didn’t mean any disrespect,” the President stutters as Puma claps him on the back, causing his knees to buckle.
“Didn’t think you did,” Puma says. “After all, women can be very creative, not to mention vindictive. You wouldn’t like them when they’re angry. Fuck, you probably wouldn’t survive it.”
Handing Milo back to Max, I smirk at Puma’s comment. Max wraps Milo around his shoulders and heads off for the reptile room. Seeing Rafe glaring at the visiting President, I slide my hand into his. He’s angry at the slight, but honestly, I prefer it when men underestimate me. Makes my victory so much sweeter. After all, how humiliating it must be for a misogynistic asswipe to get said ass handed to him by a girl?
“What an asshole,” Rafe mutters.
“Not the first misogynistic asshole I’ve met. He won’t be the last. More importantly, he doesn’t matter. Puma has our back, as does the rest of the club.”