Page 52 of Viper's Vendetta
“Okay, I’ll get Spark looking for them,” I say, pulling out my phone just as Splint drops next to Max and gets to work on him. He glances behind him at two security guards who followed him out. “Get him on the stretcher and get him to my office.”
We work together to load Max onto the stretcher before carrying him inside. Once Spark has him in his exam room, I contact Chill and Puma to let them know what’s happened. I then call Rafe. I never thought I’d willingly call a cop about a crime, but since someone took Viper, he needs to know. Besides, maybe he can help find her. When he doesn’t answer his phone, I try again. I try a third time before leaving a message.
Alisa comes into the office and sits next to Reggie. She’s starting at the door with such intensity, I can feel it. She’s willing the door to open and for Max to step through.
“Any word on the girls?” she asks me.
“Spark’s tracking the van and he’ll let us know what he finds. Puma has the guys ready to go. Whoever did this either has balls of steel or they’re desperate.”
“Do you think it’s a rival club?” she asks, then holds up her hand. “Never mind. Club business. I just hate this.”
“I know. As for who did it, I don’t know.”
We wait for close to an hour before we hear anything, and then everything hits at once. Spark calls me while Splint steps back into the room. I tell Spark to hold for a second and wait for Splint to give us his update.
“He’s fine. Lost some blood, so I want to take him to the clubhouse and set him up with an IV. I got the bullet out and stitched him up. He’s conscious. Need someone to drive us to the clubhouse.”
“I’ll drive them,” Reggie offers. I nod. As our newest prospect, I’m glad to see him step up. However, I know part of the reason he wants to go to the clubhouse is so he can be closer to the search for Angela and Angelica. Can’t say I blame him.
“What have you got?” I ask Spark.
“Found the van and trailed it out of town. I lost them around Red Rock Canyon. They got off at one of the park exits. No traffic cams in that area. Puma’s assigning groups to go out and search the area.”
“Fuck, okay. I’m heading back to the clubhouse. Max is on his way back, as is Alisa. Reggie’s driving them. Keep me posted.”
After helping Splint and Reggie load Max into a club SUV. I follow behind on my bike, keeping an eye out for another attack. I don’t expect one, but better to be vigilant. Once behind the gate, I leave Reggie and Gears to help Splint move Max into the infirmary. If I know Max, he won’t be in there long. Not with his sisters and Angela in danger.
“If he doesn’t cooperate, let me know,” I tell Splint, who just smirks.
“I’ll get him patched up, but we both know he won’t stay out of the search. I can’t blame him.”
Nor can I, so I just nod before making my way to Spark’s office. Inside, I find both him and Juliet studying traffic footage.
“We tracked them on 95 all the way to 159, but lost them soon after. I think they got off at Calico Basin Road, but none of the side roads have cameras. Puma took everyone and split up to search. But it’s like looking for a needle.”
“Fuck,” I mutter and he nods.
“Maybe someone should call Rafe. He can help,” Spark suggests.
“I already tried. Got his voicemail.”
“Let me see if I can track him,” Spark says. “Damn, can’t pinpoint his phone. Either it’s off or he’s out of range. However, it looks like he might have gotten your message. His last location is out near Red Rock Canyon.”
I want to go out and help with the search, but I know with Puma and most of the club out searching, I need to stay here and protect the clubhouse. Turning, I head for the door, only to stop when Spark calls me back.
“You got something?” I ask him.
“Not about Viper. Remember that credit card you told me to track?” I shake my head because I don’t remember asking him to track anything. “This was years ago, back when I first joined. You asked me to let you know if the card showed any activity. I got a notification about three hours ago. Someone used the card in Dallas to purchase airline tickets for three flights out of Dallas. One to Seattle, one to Los Angeles, and a third to here.”
“Here?” I ask, stunned to learn that she finally used the card and might be on her way back home. My heart speeds up at the news. Whether from excitement or fear, I’m uncertain. I haven’t seen Brigit in almost ten years. Why would she be coming back to Vegas now? “Okay, thanks. What time does the plane land?” Once he gives me the flight details, I go into the common room to consider my next steps.
My first step is to check my phone, but I don’t see any messages from her. Trying out the last number I have for her, I only get her voice mail. Which would make sense if she’s on an airplane. I spot Gears behind the bar and consider asking him to go to the airport to meet Brigit. If she’s on her way here. She may not be. She could be on her way to one of the other cities. Or maybe someone found the credit card and is using it. I doubtthis is the case, but I can’t deny it is a possibility. As much as I want to help her, I don’t feel like we can spare a prospect for a potentially wasted trip.
Instead, I take a seat at the bar and accept the beer Gears offers me. All I can do is wait. Which fucking sucks. I’m tense and ready to crawl out of my skin, so when my phone rings, I fumble and almost drop it in my haste to answer it. The display shows it isn’t Brigit, but Rafe calling.
“Wildcard? It’s me,” says Viper. The tension whooshes out of my body. I snap my fingers to gain everyone’s attention.