Page 39 of The Decision Maker
They probably expect me to start with my socks, but I already know the best way to distract them is my tits. So instead of starting small, I pull off my pajama shirt and tank top to hand to Dallas. “Here you go,” I say sweetly. “My turn to shuffle.”
I take the deck and start shuffling, purposely sticking out my chest and making my moves choppy, causing my breasts to bounce freely with every movement. As expected, both Dallas and Griffin stare at my boobs like teenage boys.
I deal the cards and lay the first three face up on the table. Two eights and a Jack. The guys don’t even look at their cards at first, too busy ogling my body.
“Raise,” I blurt out a little too fast when I see the eight and queen in my hand.
Dallas snaps out of his trance first. He clears his throat and peeks at his cards. “I call.”
“Me too,” Griffin says without even glancing at his hand.
The next card is a ten. I raise one more time and both of the guys call. I flip over the final card. It’s another queen, which means I have a full house. Excitement fills my veins. “All in,” I announce.
“I’m in,” Griffin calls right away.
Dallas thinks about it for a few seconds. “Hell, I’m in too. Let’s see what you’ve got.” He throws his card on the table. An eight and an ace. “Three of a kind.”
“I’ve got nothing.” Griffin laughs, throwing his five and queen on the table.
I grin so hard my face hurts. “Full house!” I flip over my cards to show them before repeating what Dallas said a few minutes ago, “Pay up, buttercup… or should I say, buttercups?”
“This was probably the shortest game of strip poker ever played.” Griffin gets up from his seat, pushing the chair back a little with his calves, and grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head.
His ripped upper body comes into view, and my mouth starts to water. I take in every well-defined ridge and dip of his body as his hands move to his pants and he unzips them. Not wasting any time, he pushed down his pants and boxers together until they’re nothing but a pile of fabric around his ankles.
Surprisingly, Dallas is a little more timid; his shirt and undershirt come off one by one. Where Griffin carelessly threw his stuff on the ground, Dallas hangs his over the back of his chair. He does the same with his pants and black underwear. What’s not different is his stellar physique. He is just as muscular if not more so than Griffin. If it wasn’t for the gray in Dallas’s hair and beard, he would not look any older than Griffin.
“I won the game,” I point out the obvious, “do I get a prize other than seeing you both naked?”
“What do you want?” Griffin asks.
“I want you both in my bed,” I say honestly, already filled with excitement at the thought. My core tightens, and I can feel moisture gathering between my legs.
They both stare at me for a second before their heads turn to each other. The silent conversation passes between them while I’m left standing there half naked and half crazy with anticipation.
Dallas crosses his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow while Griffin shrugs and nods.
“All right, let’s get this party started,” Griffin finally exclaims. He grabs his glass from the table and finishes the little bit left in it. His cock is already semi-hard, swinging left and right as he moves around.
I walk over to Dallas, get up on my toes, and place a quick kiss on his lips as I grab his hand and start to pull him toward my bedroom. “Come on, boys,” I call out, making sure Griffin follows.
Once I’m in my room, I point to my bed. “Dallas, you sit at the end, with your back against the headboard. Griffin, I want you over here.” I point to the foot of the bed as I peel off my pants and panties quickly.
“Yes, ma’am,” Griffin blurts out.
Dallas doesn’t say anything, but he follows my orders and sits where I told him to.
Before I get on the mattress, I take a moment to admire the two handsome men in my bed. How did I get so lucky? When I’m done ogling them like they are carved out of stone, I follow them onto the mattress, settling on all fours in between them. Since I can’t put any weight on my sprained wrist, I prop two pillows under my chest so I can hold myself up with my elbows.
I spread my legs and arch my back as I settle between Dallas’s legs, giving Griffin a full view of my pussy. Just like I did the other day, I take Dallas’s cock between my lips, enjoying the softness of his skin and the heat radiating from it.