Page 25 of Love Unexpected
Exactly. Why don't you both go back to your table?
Zander turned his head towards their table, "I can just let our server know. I'm sure it will be ok."
Without waiting for his date's response, he went back to their table.
Peter motioned for Ms. Blondie to sit beside him. She was a pretty girl, I could honestly say. She just had too much make-up going on. I noticed that she kept stealing glances at Duncan.
You're with Zander and you're checking Duncan out?! Duncan had his own charms - he had a great smile and nice, green eyes. Zander was totally hotter! Plus, he was your date. I didn't know what hit me or what dimension I was pushed into but my inner bitch was unleashed!
I leaned closer to Duncan.
"So, we were talking about pick-up lines...if I was the girl in the bar you'd like to pick up, what would you say to me?"
Peter and Ms. Barbie (yes, I knew her name was Mia), waited on his response.
Duncan fully turned his attention on me, "Zedona, I would say, 'Exzuse me miz, can you help me find my vvay? I got lost ztaring at your beautiful faze and I can't remember anything beffoore I met you.'"
A throat cleared and said, "I don't think her boyfriend will be happy with you putting the moves on her, Duncan."
Zander was back. My eyes met his. His blue-green gaze was piercing, searing. His mouth was fixed in a clenched, tight line. He looked so handsome! My heart was beating so fast and my throat was dry. I was about to ask him who my boyfriend was, Peter beat me to it; "You’re dating someone? I thought you were done with that Brennan dude, at least that's what Kieran said," his voice permeated the booth. When the hell did Kieran get the permissionto gossip about my love life?
Zander looked utterly confused. His dark gazeflew to Peter,
With frost in his voice, he asked, "Isn't Kieran, the Swimming Guy, her boyfriend?"
Ms. Model was looking extremely bored. The attention was not on her, I heard her mutter, "Who cares?"
Duncan and Peter guffawed. They barely held themselves. Peter spoke first. It was a wonder how he managed to do this, in between their manly bellows, "Dude, you're funny! Sedona is Kieran's Ace, not his girlfriend!"
Zander’s mouth opened to say somethingwhen Kieran's rushed voice came in, "I'm so hungry. Ace, did you order my burger?"
I was about to say “Not yet.” Kieran’s eyes flashed recognition when he saw Zander at our table.
Ms. I-Need-to-Eat-10,000 Calories-To-Look-Normal's eyes lit up at Kieran.
Kieran apologized, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize we had more company. Hey Zander-” his eyes drifted from Zander to Ms. I-Know-I'm-Pretty-and-So-Should-You, she responded, "Mia, you must be Kieran," her eyes twinkled and her voice sounded hoarser. Kieran offered his hand to her and she reached for it.
Seriously! What was going on?!
Zander was on a date with Blondie. Blondie was checking Duncan out and now Blondie was making googley eyes at my best friend. Oh, and Zander thought Kieran wasmy boyfriend!
This night was turning out to be exhaustingly challenging! I needed a drink, a stiff one.
I signaled our server and he approached our table.I needed something stronger than my lemonade. I ordered a mango margarita. I usually ordered an apple mojito. Margaritas meant tough night. Kieran's eyebrows were raised as I gave my order to the server.
The server must not have heard my order correctly, he asked, “Virgin?”
“Yes…No, not a virgin. Real mango margarita, with alcohol,” My face suffused with heat.
Ms. Blondie’s gaze sharpened on me, “You’re not even 21.” What was her deal?
The server asked for my I.D. I pulled it out of my wallet as I said, “I am 21.” I just turned 21 two and a half months ago.
Kieran reached behind Duncan's head and mussed my hair, what he usually did when he teased me. He knew I was getting extremely annoyed. He was acting like a kid. My mind was all jumbled and my emotions were a mess!
"Not now, Kieran," I mumbled.
He barely stopped.