Page 28 of Love Unexpected
"Come on, Ace. Be a sport. Tell them why you ‘love’ New York Liberty Football. The
real reason why you ‘think’ they're good."
Argh! Kieran was also extremely annoying tonight. The air quotes while he was talking irritated me more.
I continued to sip on my margarita and decided that silence was the key to change the topic.
Duncan egged me on, "Now you got uz curiouz, Zedona. Vhy vvould you like New York? Zzo out of character for you."
What was he talking about? He must be drunk. It was out of character for me to like New York? How did he know what was in character for me, in the first place?
Duncan prattled on, "I'd guezz you'd be an L.A. fan or even a Zan FranciscoOceanerz fan."
Kieran answered, "Let me tell you why Ace thinks New York is so good."
I reached across from Duncan so I could put my palm against Kieran’s mouth to shush him. He slowly pushed it away. If cheeks could burn from embarrassment, mine would be disintegrated when Kieran told them the real reason I liked New York.
Hoping that this would change the topic, I asked, "So what about those drinks huh? They're great here." Abso-freakin-lutely lame, nothing else came to mind.
Three pairs of eyes werewaiting for Kieran to go on. I wanted to sink under the table.
"Ace thinks New York is soooo good because of-"
I managed to slap his left arm from where I was sitting. Hard.
"Aww, Ace! Stop the violence," hisvoice was anything but hurt.
Peter encouraged him to go on, "Continue. No more suspense."
Kieran looked at me with teasing eyes, "Got to spill the beans, Ace. New York really sucks this year and this is the only way I can defend your honor."
He was so going to get his beloved Nintendo DS soaked in the tub.
The glaring look in my eyes must have had no effect on him whatsoever, he ratted me out, "Ace has an unhealthy obsession for Aaron Miller."
In my mind, Kieran's DS was happily floating in the tub, with the box, and all the games that came with it.
Peter and Duncan guffawed, "No vvay! That panzzy-azz Miller?! He'z your type?" Duncan's booming voice must have echoed in the room because a few of the customers werenow stealing glances at us.
"Shhh!" I quieted them to defend my honor by myself, "Miller's not pansy ass."
Zander's eyes darkened as he asked, "So you got a thing for Miller?"
My cheeks were incinerated, I said, "Noteven going to answer that."
Kieran answered for me again, "Dude, a thing for Miller is putting it mildly. She has a couple of his jerseys, which she got for Christmas 2 years straight because they were at the top of her wish list. And his face was her screensaver all throughout her senior year in high school!"
Add the WII console to the already dead Nintendo DS. Kieran was so going to pay for this!
Peter was downing his beer and trying to speak at the same time, "Aaron Miller's got to be the poster boy for pansiness. Have you seen his interviews? Not a hair out place. He must have a stylist on the sidelines waiting after each game."
If Peter's drink went into the wrong pipe, I was just going to look away and pretend I did not know CPR.
Duncan added, "Oh, and he always zztarts an interview with, ‘You know guyz...’," as he imitated Aaron’s ‘cool’ hair fixing gestures, before interviews.
If Duncan choked on the handful of fries he was stuffing in his mouth, I would say, "Heimlich what?"