Page 38 of Love Unexpected
John was going to say, "I think that's a great -"
Oh hell no.
I cut him off, "I think they got something planned already. Xavier, dude, you cool? Alright, we got to go."
I wasn't wasting more of my time with these clowns. I grabbed her hand, shut the hood of my car,and opened the door for her.
She was smiling and waving at themas she put on her seatbelt.
She said, "Your friends are kind of funny. They were there, but they didn't really say anything. I thought it would be great if we all hung out."
Babe, they were too busy staring at your ass so they couldn't say anything.
"Maybe next time." I held her left hand.
We spent the rest of our date walking around the boutiques at Main Street. I discovered so many things about her. She was fun to be around and she was also super smart.
She tried to hide it but when I asked about her major, she said, “Nursing…minor in Chemistry.”
“So you have two college degrees within 4 years? Isn’t that crazy hard?” My surprise must have really shown on my face.
She answered quietly, “Ahuh. I love Nursing and I like Chemisty a lot too. I couldn’t decide which one to take so I took them both.”
“Wow. You’re super smart.”
She smiled, “I’m kind of a nerd.”
“You’re a sexy nerd. There’s nothing wrong with being a nerd,” I held her hand and kissed it. She had the softest hands.
“Yeah?” Her eyes lit up.
“Yeah. Sedona, I’m finding out that anything you do is sexy. You could probably spout out some chemistry stuff and it would turn me on,” I said.
“Whatever,” she dismissed me.
I looked at her, trying to convince her that I was telling the truth, “Come on, try me. Give me one of those chemistry or nursing things that will prove to me that you’re a nerd and I’m pretty sure it will turn me on.”
Her violet eyes gazed at me, her lips pursed, she started, “Here’s my favorite one. According to Avogadro, ‘Equal volumes of different gases contain equal numbers of particles’.”
Damn, she was really smart. I had no idea who this Avocado dude was but I was pretty sure whatever she said was whatever that dude said.
“Explain it to me.” I encouraged her.
She licked her lips and leaned in closer. We were sitting beside each other, outside this little coffee place. When she leaned in closer, I caught a glimpse of her lacy white bra.
“Avogadro was trying to explain…” her breath was hot on my ears, “…that when hydrogen and nitrogen are at the same temperature and pressure, they have the same number of molecules under equal volumes,” she stopped, “and that me explaining this to you right now, makes me have the urge to kiss you.”
She could tutor me anytime.
We ended up kissing right there. She pulled away as soon as she realized that we were at a public place. Her cheeks were flushed.
We continued the make-out session in my car. I wanted to go up to her place, but she said she had tons of schoolwork to do.On a Saturday night?
She was really serious with her school and stuff. I wasn’t about to ruin my chances with her so as much as I hated not continuing what we started, I kissed her one last time and walked her to her door.
I called Xavier to see what he was up to. He said Dom and John were already hanging out at our place. I looked up at Sedona’s apartment, secretly hoping that she would change her mind, but after a few minutes I drove off.