Page 4 of Love Unexpected
Iglanced at the clock on my phone, it was 7:10 PM. Whew! The place was packed with customers. It was a good thing Tanya called in to make reservations or there was no way we’d be getting in at this time. Traffic was extra heavy into downtown San Francisco. All the universities and colleges around the area had finals and break around the same time so majority of the college population was concentrated in this area tonight.
It didn’t help that Tanya, my crazy, high-flying, thrill-seeking girlfriend, drove like a grandma touring the country roads at 20 mph! By the time, we arrived at Green’s; I was ready to scream “Out of the way people, my bladder’s about to give birth!”
After our server guided us to our table, I rushed to the bathroom. My mind was focused on one goal - reach the bathroom before making a mess somewhere else. Just as I was rounding the corner, I hit a brick wall, face first then I slipped on my 2 ½ -in. Franco Sarto pumps and fell bottom first. I knew it was the stupidest idea to have worn these heels. I should’ve listened to my inner voice and not Tanya’s!
“Whoa! You okay, miss?” The brick wall started talking.
“What? Ohmigosh, I think I just got wet!” I screeched while trying to get up, realizing that the wall was too far from me to lean for support.
Mr. Brick Wall offered his hand to help me up and I took it.
I looked up, up, and up. Mr. Brick Wall was a tall guy! When my eyes met his, my thoughts were exactly this,holey guacamole!
I’ve never been rendered speechless in my life. If you asked me at that precise moment in time, what an isosceles triangle or a Pythagorean Theorem was, I would have looked at you with a blank face.
This was a man whose face could grace covers of magazines. He had clean cut hair, with sideburns inches away from his earlobes. His lips were full, jaws well-defined, and a small scar grazed his right eyebrow. He was gorgeous. But it was his eyes that set him apart. His eyes were the colors of the ocean – when the waters reflected the blue skies and the lush greenery around it. I couldn’t tell when the blue ended and the green started.
As much as I wanted to keep exploring his face, I really had to go to the bathroom. I broke out of my momentary shock. I caught him staring at me with a bewildered look.
“I really have to go. Thank you.” I hurried past him to the women’s bathroom. I didn’t even remember putting on my heels. I was glad I had them on because I was so not stepping in that restroom with my bare feet. That was just purely unhygienic!
Ifixed my ‘wet’ mess in the bathroom. To my horror, some fluid actually escaped from my bladder so it was a blessing I was wearing a panty liner. I also used a couple of tissues to dry the mess. I took my travel-sized BerryPeach Body Mist out my bag and sprayed some on me to help mask the scent. I thought everything was good until I turned my back to face the full-length mirror against the wall.
Aarghh! I wanted to disappear right there and then. I saw a circular wetness in the back of my purple dress. I tried to put my butt against one of the hand dryers but the hand dryer was too low. There was no way I was taking off my dress and stand on my underwear to dry some slight wetness on my butt in this 4-stall women’s bathroom. I wanted to go home; but, I was so hungry and if Tanya drove back, I’d end up with a dextrose IV on my arm because my sugar would be critically low by the time we actually got home. As much as I hated it, I sucked in air, breathed in and out, recited Avogadro’s law of identical chemical gases in my head, and walked to our table.
In football, as a quarterback, I called out the plays to my team. My offensive line protected me from being cornered with a tackle, a fumble, or a sack. I protected myself by being focused and alert of my surroundings. Outside of football, I was the same exact person – always focused and alert.
So, when this girl bumped into me out of nowhere, I was caughtwaaayyyoff guard. She careened into me. Before I had any time to react, I heard a thud on the floor, and I said, “Whoa! You okay, Miss?” I saw long, dark locks cascading down the back of her head. A high-heeled shoe was misplaced a few inches from where she fell. I was going to move but I stayed put because she might bump her head onto my chin or other parts of my body, the least I could do was offer my hand.
She took my hand and her face turned up towards me. And, what a face it was! I could not remember where I was going or why the hell I was standing on this spot. She was saying something but my senses were blocking out her words. My mouth was probably hanging open but hell, there was nothing I could do about it. Her face was full of soft contours; pinkish, full lips; and, a well-defined nose. All these formed an angelic face; but the focal point of her face was her eyes. I could get lost in those. Overlong lashes framed the startling violet irises of her eyes.
I lost contact with her eyes because she looked down again and was helping herself up. She was mumbling something but I couldn’t catch it. Before I had the chance to say anything else, she had risen up to her feet and scrambled towards the women’s restroom.
I didn’t know how long I stood there. I debated on waiting outside the women’s restroom to make sure she was ok. Common sense won as I left my spot and headed towards the men’s room.
With a single-minded focus, I didn’t notice a blue-green gaze tracking me as I awkwardly walked to our table.
Nalee asked, “What took you so long? Did you have to pee that much?”
Refusing to relive the memories in the bathroom, I simply shrugged, “Let’s order.”
Once our orders were filled, Nalee started unloading to us about her guy problems. It turned out her boyfriend, Jerome, didn’t call for 2 days and changed his password on Facebook. Nalee liked to check his Facebook friends and status updates. This morning, when she couldn’t log on to his account, she called him. He only returned her call just as we were leaving our apartment tonight.
Nalee looked really upset and was teary-eyed. “I really don’t know why I put up with his crap. He’s such a loser. Granted, he’s such a good-looking, smart loser.”
Jerome was a 7thyear Med student at UC Berkeley. Yeah, sure, he was a good-looking guy. His good looks did not excuse his being a big-time player though. He and Nalee broke up countless times during their 2-year on and off relationship. Once, because she caught him sexting a mutual friend. Another time was because he hit on a girl while he was on a date with Nalee. And other times, well, he was just a player! Tanya and I advised Nalee to tell Jerome that he should specialize in OB GYN so he can have an assortment of “lady parts” and maybe he would actually give up on being a player when he saw the disgusting array of sexually transmitted diseases that women and men can have.
Nalee loved him though. Unconditionally. Maybe even to the point of stupidity. I shuddered at the thought of that kind of love. Ugh, that would never, ever happen to me. I would never want to be in her position. She was on the verge of crying again.
Our server, Tom, came into view.
Tom said, “Excuse me ladies, but an admirer requested me to bring this to your table”, he paused, “This is for you, all paid for.” He slowly placed the bottle of2004 Cimarossa Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon in the middle of the square-shaped, wooden table.