Page 74 of Love Unexpected
"Why are you acting like this? I called and called but you didn’t pick up. I thought you were out but now Xavier’s telling me you’re there."
"No reason."
Of course there was a reason. Hewas not this cold, distant.
"Thanks for picking us up last night."
"Alright, is that it?" he said.
"Babe, come on, what's wrong?" Something was really off.
He breathed into the phone. Thirty seconds went by before he unloaded on me, "What's wrong? You tell me, Sedona. You're not happy with me, you tell me. Just don't go behind my back sending text messages to your ex-boyfriend and not tell me." His voice was furious.
Crap.Brennan had been sending me text messages, I never replied back. Zander must have seen them or something.
I said softly, careful not to rile him up any further, "He texted me, babe. I didn't text him back. He still has my number, you know."
He didn't say anything.
"You should know I'd never do that kind of thing.I'm yours, babe. All yours."
He sounded upset still; but, he asked, "Does he text you often?"
"It's kind of erratic. Sometimes he does, sometimes no. I've told him we've been over for while but he still texts me."
In a hushed voice, he asked, "Are you happy with me?"
For a guy who had the world at his feet - the looks, the talent, the wealth - he still had his own insecurities, I guessed.
"Babe, of course I'm happy. You're the best boyfriend. You make me extremely happy. Are you happy with me?"
He inhaled and exhaled, "You make so goddamned happy, Sedona. I don't want to lose you to anyone or to anything,” a sigh escaped him, “I'm sorry for earlier. I was acting a bit jealous. But, if Brennan keeps messing with you, he's going to pay for it."
"He can text me all he wants, babe. If I answer, there's nothing to it. But I don't even answer,” I explained and hopefully, he softened, “Now, can I come over? I want to showyou how happy you make me."
His voice was gruff, "Yeah, come over."
Zander, as a lover, was exceptional. We spent many, many nightsand days exploring each other's bodies that Nalee and Tanya started investing in some earplugs.
One night, Zandermade love to me in the bathtub at his place and the water overflowed. We had to call the plumber afterwards. Holy mackerel. That was some steamy, hot sex.
Another time, we weredriving to the mall, when Zander's hands started wandering inside my skirt. He fingered me all the way to the mall. We didn't even get to the mall because I begged him to turn around and finish me off in his apartment.
With Zander, I lost my inhibitions. All it took was one look from either him or me and we'd end up in the bedroom or somewhere private.
One of my favorites was when Zandervisited me in the library.
I was studying for a Chemistry quiz in the 4thfloor when he had texted me.
Zander: Where u at?
Me: Here, laboring in the library.
Zander: Usual table?