Page 79 of Love Unexpected
Tears streamed down my face. Was this the Brennan I liked? I didn’t even know this guy. The Brennan I knew was decent, caring, and loving. Who was this guy in front of me? Embarrassing himself because I broke up with him? Because I didn’t take him back after he cheated on me?
"I bet she didn't tell you, Zander. I bet she didn't tell you how good she had it with me. She had me wrapped around her fingers but she wouldn't put out! Did she tell you that I fucking begged her to take me back? I fuckin’ begged her in her apartment but she shut the door on my face because she said you were coming over! I bet she didn't tell you that I came over, huh?!" Brennan continued to scream obscenities as his teammates pushed him into the bus.
"I'll fucking sue your ass! You can't run to daddy, asshole!" He wasstill screaming in the bus.
It took five guys to hold Zander down. I saw him struggle to get out of their hold but they held him down.
When Brennan's bus finally left, Zander's teammates let him go. They asked him if he was okay. I saw him nod his head, told them he’d be fine, and he needed time alone. They slowly left his side. He sat on the floor with the back of his head, leaning against the wall.
Kieran finally showed up. He must have heard of the commotion. He took one look at me and hugged me. He knew just what I needed. When he asked what happened, I just said, "Brennan."
He said, "Shh, it's ok, Ace. You can tell me later. I'm sorry I wasn't here." His eyes morose. Before he could say anything else, I asked him, "Kieran, can you give us a minute or two?" I needed to get to Zander.
"Ok, I'll wait for you here."
I approached Zander who was still sitting on the floor. His head was bowed, I couldn't see his face. I sat in front of him and touched his hair, "Babe,are you ok?" I asked gently.
He didn't answer. He slowly lifted his head. His eyes were stormy; a bruise was startingto form on his right cheek.
"Is it true? What that dickhead said?" he said shakily. His fists were clenched athis sides.
I was treading on shaky waters. Zander was at the end of a very tight rope and he looked like he was ready to spring loose at any time.
"Which part?" I asked.
"Did he go to your apartment?" He was looking at me intensely.
There was no way I could lie to him. Especially in his current state. He deserved the truth.
"Yeah," I said.
He averted his gaze and stared at the wall behind me, "When? What did he do there?"
"4 months ago. He begged me to take him back. When I told him no again, he didn't want to leave so I threatened to call the police."
Silence met my explanation. He put his headdown and his chest heaved.
I was filled with remorse. I should have told him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
His eyes flickered with anger when he said, "Sedona, how can I protect you if you don't even tell me the truth? He could've done something to you. God, I don't even know what I would do ifsomething happened to you."
"I'm so sorry," I suppressed the tears forming in my eyes. It was wrong of me to hide what Brennan did.
"I wasn't thinking. I thought he was just upset that I broke up with him and that he'll get over it." I explained.
"Is there anything else you're not telling me?" he asked.
I took my phone out of my purse, scrolled to the text messages from Brennan, and handed it over to him.
He took the phone from me and as he looked through the text messages, I knew what he was seeing. He was seeing the empty threats, pleading messages, and angry texts from Brennan. Zander slowly stood up and held onto my phone.
The only indication that he understood what I told him was him kissing me on top of my forehead and asking me if I was okay.
I assuredhim that I was good. He then proceeded to tell me, "Stay here, babe. I need to talk to Kieran."
I motioned for him to go while I settled myself on the floor. My miniskirt rode high on my legs. After all the drama that Brennan caused, I felt warm. My body was stillreeling from the adrenaline.
Why would Brennan do what he did? Was he really that dense? How come I never saw that side of him? I've known him since we were kids. He grew up with Kieran. We used to hang out together before he became my boyfriend. What was Zander going though right now?