Page 11 of The Fallen Alpha
My ears swiveled just as Markus’ wolf crashed through the woods behind me. Naik’s golden yellow-brown fur stood on end as he took his place beside me. The brown wolf shifted back to his human form. He was older, but I didn’t take my eyes off the grey wolf beside him. Who still bared his teeth at me.
“We didn’t mean to start a fight. We are looking for two wolves. Selene has sent us.”
My eyes went to the older man, and I felt Markus move beside me. Were these the wolves that we needed to find? Was I that much closer to finding this alpha? That much closer to finding my fated? The man’s eyes flickered between me and Markus beside me.
Shifting back to my human form, I went up to the older man. He sort of reminded me of Harlen. With his greying hair and the deep set of his eyes. His eyes held so much knowledge in them it was unreal. I reached out my hand to the man and he clasped his with mine. “My name is Fin. This wolf behind me is Markus. Are you here to help find the prophesied alpha?”
“Yes. My name is Olli. This young pup is Harley, and you met Hannah already. She was the female in the lake.” Olli laughed as Harley snorted before he shifted to his human form. The likeness of them told me they were twins.
No wonder he attacked me. He was protecting his sister.
“Well, we just took down a deer. Are you hungry?” I asked them. Hannah, the female that was in the water, came up the bank in shorts and a cami. Damn, these wolves were young.
“I’m starving. These two wouldn’t stop to hunt.” Her mousey voice reached my ears. I hope that my fated wasn’t like this. I don’t think I could handle her being this young. Her eyes roamed my body and she smirked as she winked at me. Fuck, I forgot that I was naked.
“Then follow us.” I turned and shifted as Aloysius, landing on all four paws with Naik behind me. The others behind him.
We all sat around the campfire cooking more of the deer so that everyone had plenty to eat. I had part of the deer’s thigh while the torso of the animal rotated on the stick. It felt a little weird having other wolves around other than Markus. Being on my own for two years really changed me. I often wondered how Harlen and the pack were doing since I left. There were days when I thought that I should’ve gone back and claimed what was mine a while ago.
Were there any wolves left that had known me and my parents? I shook my head and stood. All the wolves in the circle glanced up at me but didn’t make a move to follow me into the cave. Soon we would find this alpha and then maybe I would find my fated. I mean, hell, I was twenty-seven in human years. It was a good thing that being a werewolf kept us young as a human.
I leaned up against the cool, hard cave wall and fell asleep with a full stomach.
Chapter Seven
Six years later.
We had been following a scent for days in the woods, since we had caught it in our camp. Olli was sure that it was the alpha that we needed to find. I was tired since I was on guard duty last night. Markus ran beside me while the twins, Hannah and Harley, ran in front of us, and then Olli was in front. Just like a pack formation, granted, I should have been first. But this wasn’t my pack to lead.
We were passing by some moon flowers along the trail when I caught the familiar scent of the other wolf. I stopped and stalked into the brush. The others were right behind me. He looked like a wolf I had seen before, but I couldn’t place him. A snarl came from beside me. Harley had his ears to his head. The kid needed to learn when to keep his trap shut. There really wasn’t a reason for him to act like this. When we came to the other side of the brush, the young wolf glanced up with his blue eyes at the five of us.
It startled him at first, and then he stood, stripping his clothes off as he glared at us. The way he carried himself spoke to me about this wolf. He seemed like me. Defeated in his mind before his body. I spotted the yin yang wolf on his chest with the moon and compass. The wolf shifted into a huge black and grey wolf with golden eyes. Our growls ceased as the singular wolf stood in front of the five of us, ready to attack.
Olli crawled forward on the grass, his belly rubbing against the green blades as he made his way to the wolf. I had never seen him act like this. Turning my gaze to Harley and then to Markus when he shook his head. I didn’t get this either. Olli shifted back to his human form and knelt in front of the wolf before him while baring his neck. “We have been waiting for you, Alpha Nolen.”
We all shifted other than Hannah, who stayed in her wolf form. The wolf before us glanced around at us as if what Olli had said was somehow a joke. He shifted back to his human form and Olli looked up. He was young, even younger than the twins now that I was closer to him.
Nolen’s blue eyes stared at each of us as we pulled on clothes. Hannah came out of the brush dressed in her shorts and cami. Markus sat down beside the small stones on the ground making himself at home like always. I continued to stay near the brush. While I tried to figure out who this young wolf was because I knew I had seen him before. I just couldn’t place where.
“What do you mean you were waiting for me? Hell, you came up to me about to tear me apart.” Nolen glanced around at all of us. I finally sat toward the back of everyone, watching as this young alpha fidgeted in place.
Olli turned to him before glancing over at our group. Markus nodded to him and he returned his gaze to Nolen. “We didn’t realize who you were till you shifted. The Goddess didn’t inform us what you looked like in human form. We’re sorry about the almost attack.”
“What do you mean, the Goddess?” What were they teaching these young pups nowadays? I mean, he grew up in a pack. Right? Did he not worship her? I mean, I didn’t like her at the moment either, so maybe she did something to him as well.
Olli shook his head as he turned to face the boy in front of us. “Boy, do you have some kind of condition? Or are you just plain stupid?”
“I’m not stupid, and I don’t know who you are, but I will not be spoken to like that!” I could tell that his wolf had risen to the surface, his eyes had changed to a golden color. Olli visibly submitted before he brought his head back up to face him.
“You could’ve fooled me. Want to fill me in on why you are here and not with your pack?” Olli’s counter even took me aback. He had never spoken to me or the other four like that in the last six years we had traveled together.
I knew that pain in his eyes. The pain of losing what you had worked so hard to obtain. Only to have someone rip it from your hands.
“I lost an alpha challenge. Now I have to figure out how to get it back, if they still want me.” The dullness in his voice wasn’t lost on me, and I was sure that it wasn’t lost on Olli.
Nodding his head, Olli began to busy himself with building a fire. Nolen fiddled with a stick that he had picked up at the edge of the firewood. Once again glancing around at us as if he was trying to memorize us. “So, will I learn your names anytime soon?”
Olli had been waiting for him to get curious to want to know our names. He was the same way with us. I figured it wouldn’t have taken him so long. But what did I know?