Page 16 of The Fallen Alpha
“Okay, okay I’m up. What’s all the fuss?”
“The guards caught the Rhyolite delta trying to free the prisoners. Now we are going to take back Nolen’s pack.” Hannah took a few steps ahead of me before motioning for me to follow her.
By the time Hannah and I got to the front of the pack house, Nolen and Sawyer were placing wolves in regiments. Markus, Olli and Harley were standing over to the side.
“So, what’s the plan?” I asked Olli as I settled in beside him.
“We are going with Nolen, Sawyer, Lucas, and Amora. Hannah and Harley are going to see if they can find his parents. Since they are the fastest of us. We are going to be the ones heading onto the pack grounds.” Olli pointed to all of us and then the four on the top of the stairs.
I nodded. I was going to make sure Nolen killed my uncle.
Running with this pack of wolves brought back memories of when I would go on hunts with my father and the sense of belonging while I was with them. As we got closer to the Rhyolite pack lands, I could smell the death on the territory. That was my uncle’s calling card to warn other wolves away from the land. The right and left side of this band split off, skirting the edge of the territory to flank the Dolostone wolves on the other side of the land.
Nolen nodded, and Hannah and Harley took off ahead of us. For as fast as they were, they were also eerily silent as they crashed though the underbrush. The rest of us continued on as we slowed and made our way stealthily over the pack border. Something didn’t sit right with me.
By the time we had gotten all the wolves at Quartzite placed in regiments and then the run to the lost pack, it was starting to turn dark. Which was good for us. That would mean that we should be able to sneak up to the pack house and not have too much blood lost.
As we padded further into the pack land, the smell of blood and decaying flesh became stronger. A soft growl came from Nolen and his mate went up to him. They were just like his tattoo. Yin and Yang. They were definitely made for each other. The Moon Goddess didn’t mess up when she fated mates together.
We continued forward through the bloodstained ground and dead bodies in the woods. It was eerily silent, even with it being almost nighttime. There should’ve been patrols running, but there was nothing. Nolen’s gamma stopped and shifted back to his human form and kneeled beside the big black and grey wolf. “The pack is there but are unsure if Dolostone is still here since they told the others to get in their home and not come back out.”
Nolen and Sawyer shifted, and I went on the defensive. Keeping my eyes and ears peeled for anything that would jump out while they were vulnerable. “Sawyer, ask the wolves that went to the rear if they have seen anything. I don’t see Wade running back here and not trying to fight to keep the territory.”
Waiting used to not be one of my stronger traits as an Alpha. But being rogue had taught me to be patient.
“They haven’t seen anything on their end either. We need to take a few wolves with us and scout the inner part of the pack territory.”
Nolen nodded and glanced behind him searching for something. He motioned for me, Markus and Olli to come up to him. “Alright, you guys. I need you all to come with Sawyer and me. Lucas stays here with Amora, and I’ll signal when everyone needs to attack.”
Lucas nodded and Nolen turned to Sawyer and gave him a quick nod before they shifted back to their wolves. The five of us snuck out of the wood line and into the clearing where it looked like a training field used to be. More decaying bodies and bones littered the ground. I didn’t know if there were even enough wolves in this pack to be considered a large pack anymore.
The odor masked our scent as we stalked further inward, but each rustle of sound stalled our progress through the territory. The pack’s stores were closed. They looked like they were starting to fall apart. Wolves were normally clean and so this made me wonder what Dolostone looked like. And it turned my stomach of what could be at the pack that I had to leave all those years ago.
My uncle had this pack scared of him. Being an Alpha was more than this. Anger was seeping into my soul the further I walked in this pack. Nolen hesitated a moment before he continued around the last building. The smell of urine and feces wafted to our group. My eyes snapped to the top of the stairs in front of the packhouse.
A woman was on her knees with a warrior holding her by her knotted hair and my uncle at their side. The cruel sneer on my uncle’s face told me that this woman meant something to Nolen. This must be his mother, not like I could tell, because he looked nothing like her. I know Nolen. He is one cruel motherfucker. But he won’t live to do this to anyone else. That I promise you.
Nolen nudged Sawyer, and he slunk back, and I took his place. My lips lifted from my teeth the pink of my gums showing as slobber made its way to the ground. But I didn’t make a sound. If he recognized me, he didn’t let on as he stared at Nolen.
“So, you thought you would sneak up on me? Too bad one of your little omegas saw you in town and is mated to one of my warriors.”
Depending on the warrior, this could be a good thing for Nolen or a bad thing. Sawyer came to my peripherals and he nipped Nolen’s tail. Nolen shifted back to his human form and I could feel the anger coming off him. “I can’t help what a mate does for their other half. But if you think that I will just sit back and let you take packs, you are wrong.”
My uncle laughed and went over to the warrior holding his mother, a sinister smirk on his lips. Déjà vu took over me as he grabbed hold of his mother’s arm and forced her to stand. The other wolf stepped back, away from his alpha. “Tell me, Nolen, what do you think will happen to your mother if you try to take back these weak wolves? As we speak, your dad is hanging by his wrists in silver chains.”
The woman whimpered. All I could think about was standing like this in my own pack with my mate in his arms all those years ago. Sawyer pressed his nose into Nolen’s palm, making him glance back. He nodded to him before bringing his gaze back to my uncle and his mother. “Wade, you’re going to wish that you had never come across our packs. Because today you will cease to exist.”
Chapter Ten
Nolen shifted and leapt forward, making his way to my uncle and his mother. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Hannah racing toward us from our right side. She was going to make it to them before Nolen. My uncle was so focused on Nolen that he didn’t see Hannah until it was too late and Nolen’s mother had climbed upon her back.
As soon as Nolen landed on top of my uncle, other wolves rushed us. I worried our wolves wouldn’t get here soon enough. A wolf grabbed hold of my fur around my neck and I turned and grabbed hold of his snout. Crushing his muzzle with my jaws, he fell to the ground at my feet and I went to take down another that had Markus pinned to the ground.
I crashed into the wolf that was on top of my rogue pack mate. Aloysius was enjoying the battle as we went from wolf to wolf, taking them down. Blood and fur in our mouth and matting our fur. I barreled into a horde of nine, as they had one wolf on the ground trying to defend itself. Standing over the wolf, I continued to dispatch each one that was in the group. It was exonerating being able to protect others.
Blood was everywhere after I finished and I glanced under me and my heart sunk at the sight. I didn’t get to him quick enough, but I had avenged him. Turning to head to my next fight, I saw my uncle running into the woods.
My first thought was to run after him until I saw the black and grey wolf speeding to catch up with him. Every instinct in me wanted to follow him and take him down together. But the Moon Goddess told me not to, and since I was on the right track now, I didn’t want to screw that up. I had to learn to delegate things. I had to let destiny run its course.