Page 20 of Consume Me
“Business owner. Huh.”
She looped her arm around my neck. “I do want to be married one day and have kids.”
I pecked her lips gently, and my dick stirred in my pants, ready for her.
She raised her head. “Do you want a boy or girl?”
“I don’t care as long as they're healthy,” I responded. “Get up for a minute.” I took the glass out of her hand and stood up, grabbing the fishing rod next to us.
“What are you doing with that?”
“Do you know how to fish?”
She crossed her arms. “No.”
“I can teach you.”
“Wait, a billionaire that likes to go fishing?” She laughed so hard, she had to take a second and then she stood next to me.
“How about we make a bet.”
She frowned. “But it’s my first time fishing.”
“I will teach you and if you win, you get to fall asleep with my mouth on your pussy.”
She grazed her hand across my dick. “What if you win?”
“I get to fall asleep with my dick in your ass.”
She gasped, looking around to see if anyone heard me. “That would be a first for me.”
“I promise to take it easy on you.” I smoothly rubbed her ass, and she moaned next to me.
“Fine, but don’t cheat.”
“Baby, it’s my boat.”
“So.” She pouted and tried to snatch the pole out of my hand.
“Come on, big baby. Get in front of me and hold it with both hands.”
“Is that a worm?!” Emersyn shrieked and jumped back, scared.
Holding her in place I helped her cast the line and slowly reel it back in. “Looking good, baby. You’re ready to do it alone now.”
“You’re setting me up,” she fussed.
Standing next to her, I picked up my pole and we talked more about what to do when we got back to town and my work schedule with the club opening.
“Baby! I think I got something,” Emersyn screeched and lunged forward. I captured her around the waist to help pull the pole back and nothing came up but an empty soda can.
“Nice try. You have twenty more minutes to get something.”
Mocking me, she pushed me lightly to the side and tried to take mine from my hand, and I pulled it away as something caught on and I reeled in a catfish.
“Not fair!” Emersyn stomped her feet.
“You lost the bet, but I can compromise.”