Page 129 of The Surrogate
“Never thought I’d share a grandchild with my best friend.” My father’s eyes looked glassy.
Phil grinned. “Crazy how life comes full circle, huh?”
“I’m honored to be his Grampy,” my father said. “And I certainly will have to get my ass over there because I don’t want to miss all the important milestones.”
“There’s one milestone you’renotgoing to miss, Roland,” Sig interrupted. “Because it’s about to happen right now.”
“What’s that?” Dad asked.
I looked over at Sig, confused.
“While I have you on the phone, I need to ask something,” Sig said.
He sucked in a breath. “Can I have your permission for your daughter’s hand in marriage?”
My heart lurched.What?
Dad’s eyes went wide. “Are you serious?”
“I am.” Sig let out a shaky breath.He’s nervous.“I know this is normally done in private,” he told my dad. “But I can’t wait. I’d planned to call you tonight. But since you’re on the phone now and since most of the people who are important to me are here, I figured, why not? Anyway, I can’t do it without your blessing.”
Dad chuckled. “I don’t think your biggest obstacle is me, buddy. Of course you have my blessing, if this is what Abby wants. But I think you need to ask her and find out.”
“If you say so, sir…” Sig reached into his pocket and took out a small, black velvet pouch.
Oh my God. Is this really happening now?
Sig turned to me.“Abby, I know you weren’t expecting this today. And honestly, I was going to wait for us to be home and settled. But with your dad on the phone, there’s no time like the present.” He knelt by my bed. “As I was walking my parents out earlier, I told my mother there would be no more secrets between us. I let her know I planned to ask you to marry me. She said she knew you were the one for me when you stood up for us that day she came to lunch and found out about the pregnancy. Without even knowing my plans, my mother brought something to give me today.” He loosened the strings to the pouch. “She likely didn’t expect me to propose today, either. But this ring has been burning a hole in my pocket. It belongs on your finger, and I don’t want to wait to give it to you.” He took out the sparkler. “This is a family heirloom. My nan’s wedding ring. Our grandmother was very special to me and Leo. Nan was one of my biggest supporters. She was devastated after Britney died and naturally very worried about me. She apparently gave this ring to my mother before she passed away. She specifically instructed Mum to give it tome,should I fall in love again. She told my mother she believed it would take a very special person to make that happen. She wanted her wedding ring to go to that woman.” He turned to Leo. “And clearly this proves once and for all that I was Nan’s favorite.”
Leo chuckled and stuck up his middle finger.
Sig returned his attention to me. “She would’ve loved you.” He held the ring out. “Ilove you, Abby, with all of my heart and soul. You saved my life and made me happier than I could’ve imagined. Alex and I are so lucky to have you. He needs you as his mother. And I need you as my wife. Will you marry me?”
Looking around at all the smiling faces in the room, I soaked in this moment. Then I turned to Sig, never more certain of anything in my life. “I love you so much. I can’t think of a better way to spend my life than with you two. Of course I will.”
My hand quivered as he placed the ring on my finger. It was the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen—a yellow gold band with an antique filigree design and a large, oval-shaped diamond that seemed flawless. I wrapped my arms around my beautiful man and felt the rest of the room fade away. For a moment, it was just him and me.
“Welcome to the family, Abby,” Leo said.
“I couldn’t be happier for you guys!” Felicity added as she came over to hug me. “And I’m so happyIget to keep you, too.”
The diamond sparkled in the overhead lights. “I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up from this dream,” I told them.
“I couldn’t help but overhear,” said a nurse I hadn’t seen enter the room. “Congratulations. I assumed you two were already married.”
“There’s a lot you’ve assumed, actually, but we’re fine with it.” Sigmund winked at me.
Seven Months Later
Track 53: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo?ole
“Go write,” Sig said shortly after he walked in the door from work.