Page 41 of The Surrogate
“I know. I didn’t mean to imply it was, just that it must’ve been difficult.”
“There were many beautiful moments amidst the hard ones.” His eyes returned to the image. “This day was wonderful.”
My heart filled with sadness as I finally witnessed the unguarded and vulnerable Sig.
My phone began to ring, and I fished it out of my purse. When I saw the call was from the medical center, I put it in speaker mode. “Hello?”
“Is this Abby Knickerbocker?”
“Yes. This is she.”
“It’s Dr. Bonner. I wanted to call right away to let you know the results of your blood test were positive. You’re pregnant.”
Track 16: “Panic Song” by Green Day
The second Leo opened the door, I rushed past him into his house. “We have a problem.”
“Something happen with the Jenkles project?”
“No—God, who gives a shit about that right now?” Massaging my forehead, I paced. “It’s Abby…”
“What’s wrong?”
Sweat coated my forehead. I stopped and turned to him. “She’s up the duff.” I exhaled. “It happened.”
“Whoa.” His mouth fell open. “On the first try. Okay. Wasn’t expecting that at all.” He patted me on the back. “But congratulations, mate.”
“No?” His eyes widened.
“No!” I continued pacing.
“Wasn’t that the idea of the insemination? To get her pregnant?”
“Yes, but…it wasn’t supposed to happenthisfast.”
“Well, you must have super sperm, cousin.”
“That’s one accolade Ineverwished for. I’ve spent my entire life tryingnotto get women pregnant.” I looked around. “Where’s Felicity? I wanted her to know, too.”
“She’s at my mother’s with Eloise.”
“Oh,” I muttered, still in a daze.
“When did you find out?”
“Just a couple of hours ago. The doctor called after work when I’d stopped with Abby at my apartment on our way home to pick up a laptop. I drove her back to the inn and came straight here.”
“Do Britney’s parents know?”
“We called them together on the way to Westfordshire. But that’s it. No one else knows but you.”
“It’s normal to be in shock,” he assured me. “It will set in eventually. You have a while to get used to it, thankfully. Nine whole months, to be exact.” He led me into the kitchen. “Come have a drink. You could certainly use one, I’m sure.”