Page 60 of The Surrogate
“You’re torn because this is the first woman you’ve felt something for since Britney,” he declared.
“Well, aren’t you just a genius,” I scoffed.
“Doesn’t take a genius to see what’s going on here, mate. It’s quite clear.”
I tossed the napkin aside. “Is she beautiful? Yes. Do I like her as a person? Yes. None of that matters, Leo. Okay? It doesn’t matter. The best thing I could possibly do to thank that girl for sacrificing her body for nine months is to stay the fuck away from her, let her return to her life in the US unscathed, and not turn both our lives into a fucking soap opera.”
Track 24: “A Sky Full of Stars” by Coldplay
That weekend, my better angels told me to stay in London, but I’d gone too long without checking on Abby personally. I’d vowed not to pull a disappearing act again, so I needed to catch myself. Not to mention, it wasn’t fair to Lavinia that I was now ignoring her, too, anytime I distanced myself from Abby. I owed them both a visit. Or that’s what I told myself as I pulled into The Bainbridge Saturday evening.
I used my key to open the door and made my way into the kitchen, where I could hear them talking. “Hello, ladies,” I announced from the doorway.
Abby turned, looking like she’d seen a ghost. “Hey!”
Lavinia’s face lit up. “Sigmund! I thought I might croak before you came back.”
“I’m glad you didn’t. Nice to see you, crazy woman.”
“We’ve missed you around here,” Lavinia said.
I walked over to where Abby was stirring something on the stove. “Hi, Abby,” I spoke softly over her shoulder.
She smiled. “It’s good to see you.”
Her breathing seemed to quicken, or maybe I was imagining that now that I was hyperaware of her crush on me.
“Abby is making potato and leek soup,” Lavinia announced. “You’re just in time to join us.”
“That sounds like a bit of a risk,” I mocked. “Since when does Abby cook?”
“You’re a wiseass.” Abby elbowed me.
“You missed me, though.” I winked.
Why did every word exiting my mouth sound like I was flirting with her?Am I? Fuck if I know.
“I did miss you.” Her face reddened as she tapped the spoon against the pot.
Knowing our attraction was mutual made me unsettled, but also a bit energized, though I couldn’t do anything about it.
About ten minutes later, Abby ladled soup into bowls she’d set out, and the three of us sat down to dinner.
“You used fresh chives,” I remarked. “Nice addition.”
“You noticed.”
“I notice everything.” I licked the corner of my mouth. “Coriander, too, yes?”
“You’re good.”
“I have to say, this is quite delish, Abby.”
“Why, thank you. Coming from such a temperamental chef, I take that as a huge compliment.”