Page 67 of The Surrogate
“I went out with the girls from work,” I said, dropping my purse on his couch. “I was going to have the car take me to Westfordshire, but I wanted to talk to you, so I had him drop me here. You didn’t answer your phone earlier. I thought you were mad. But now I realize you were…busy.”
He looked at his feet. “Nothing happened with her.”
“You don’t owe me an explanation,” I said bitterly.
“I know I don’t.” His eyes met mine. “But since you seem to have assumed I was busy shagging her when you called earlier, I thought I’d clarify.”
“She was buttoning her shirt, Sig. What am I supposed to assume?”
“Yeah, well, that’s because it started but didn’t go anywhere.”
“You really didn’t sleep with her?”
He shook his head.
“I guess that’s your MO. You used to kick them out after sex. Now you kick them out before.”
“Actually, once again, there was no kicking out. She decided to leave on her own. That’s what I do, remember? Make women disappear.”
“You have mad skills where that’s concerned.” I tilted my head. “You’re a magician.”
“Not really. Just a right prick. Or as your father would say,thatprick.”
I narrowed my eyes. “There’s got to be more to this, why you can’t get it up.”
“Whoa!” His eyes widened. “That’s not the problem at all, Abby. Trust me, there’snothingwrong in that arena.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?”
“You don’t know?”
He fidgeted with his hands and cracked his knuckles. “If you mean that awkward kiss I witnessed, there’s nothing to say.”
“Awkward because you had to watch the tail end of it?”
“No, awkward because your body languageclearlyshowed you weren’t into it.”
“That’s interesting. How so?”
“You were stiff as a board. He was doing all the work.”
“I’m surprised you were able to analyze so much in the short time you caught it.”
“Well, it was right there, in my face.”
“What were you doing on my floor anyway?” I asked.
“I’d realized I’d come across a bit harsh earlier and went to see if you were okay.”
My heart fluttered. I cleared my throat. “Well, there’s some truth to your assessment—what you said about my body language.” I bit my bottom lip. “I was preoccupied, still worrying about whether I’d upset you, when he sprung that kiss on me. I still can’t believe I let the ultrasound photo slip out of my bag.”
“You’re not at fault for your clumsiness. It’s who you are.”
“Okay, you’re busting my balls right now, so I guess that means you’re not mad anymore?”
“I never said I was mad. Getting angry would do no good. What’s done is done. At least it’s only Sean who knows for now, unless you managed to let the cat out of the bag again tonight?”
“Of course not.”
He gave me a once-over. “So what now? Are you staying here?”