Page 88 of The Surrogate
“I basicallyhaveseen a ghost. Or an artifact.” I lifted the gargantuan box of condoms out of the drawer. “How is this possible?”
“What?” She laughed. “Don’t tell me those were yours.”
I shook the container. “If they’d been mine, the box would be empty.” I winked. “But this box of condoms is a decade old. I bought them as a joke for Leo. I remember distinctly what the box looked like. It’s this one. And look at the expiration date.” I pointed the box toward her.
“Oh my gosh. They expired years ago!”
I looked inside. “There are only a few left. I’m not sure how they haven’t disintegrated at this point.”
“I guess no one ever thought to throw them out? Maybe every person who looked in that drawer figured someone else could use them. Probably never checked the expiration date.”
“I’m totally gobsmacked. I’m taking them home for Leo.”
She laughed. “You’re bringing him taffy and an old box of condoms as souvenirs. What a lucky guy.”
“Well, he’s good to me,” I joked. “He deserves it.” As I tossed the box aside, I turned to Abby, pulling her close again, so her naked body was flush against mine. “I’m gonna tell you a secret.”
“I love secrets.” She beamed. “What is it?”
“You’re the first woman I’ve ever come inside.”
Her eyes widened. “How is that possible?”
“Well, one of my biggest fears was always getting someone pregnant. I was always careful and never trusted anyone, even if they said they were on the pill. So…”
Abby blinked rapidly, seeming genuinely confused. “Yeah, but not even with your wife?”
I realized how strangely impossible that seemed, but the circumstances with Britney were unique. “We were scared she’d get pregnant in the midst of her treatments. That would’ve been bad. And she couldn’t tolerate birth control.” I shrugged. “So we used condoms.”
“Wow. So I’m really your first, since you knew you couldn’t get me pregnant.”
“Because you already are, yeah.” I chuckled.
She cackled. “That’s crazy.”
“Itisa bit crazy. The first person I ever had unprotected sex with is already pregnant with my child, even though we’d never had sex before. Wrap your head around that one.”
“I feel like that’s a story. Like…it would lead the news if someone found out about it.”
I squeezed her ass cheeks. “It’s definitely something.”
We lay there for a bit, just being together. But as the minutes passed, reality began creeping in, a distant voice in my head trying to ruin the moment.What have you done?
Abby apparently sensed the change in my demeanor. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I hope I haven’t fucked things up with you,” I admitted.
She forced a smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t be stupid and fall in love with you or anything.” She poked me with her finger. “Your dick is notthatpowerful, Sigmund Benedictus.” She winked. “Close, though.”
Relieved that she was making light of my very real fear, I kissed her, knowing full well that if anyone was in danger of falling too far here, it was me.
Track 34: “Detached” by Lyn Lapid
“Everything okay?”