Page 12 of The Mating Games
A jolt.
An overwhelming sensation of movement, made no better by the fact that I knew what would happen next.
Once again, I was hurled through the unknown, my pod propelled into the void.
I didn’t understand what was happening,whyit was happening.
And why to me?
As the pod sped on, one thing was clear:
My journey was far from over.
* * *
The sensation was disorienting, familiar yet altogether more alarming because I knewexactlywhat was coming.
My heart was a wild drum in my chest, echoing my dread.
The violent jerks, the blinding lights, the tumultuous descent — all felt exponentially worse this time.
Perhaps it was the fear of the known, the torment of anticipating the crash, which made it all the more petrifying.
The thunderous crash left my ears ringing and body reeling.
Dazed, I took a moment to gather my senses, feeling the ground solid beneath me — a small consolation.
My mind spun, torn between relief at having survived another descent and the creeping dread of what awaited outside the confines of my pod.
The door began its mechanical whir, a sound I had already learned to dread.
Reluctantly, I stepped out into the unmistakable dense foliage of the alien jungle.
The sharp scent of the greenery, mixed with the sweet, heady aroma of the blossoms, was an eerie reminder that I had been here before.
And not just here.
The spot I had landed wasexactlythe same.
The sounds and smells of the jungle wereexactlythe same.
It was alltoofamiliar.
Those bizarre alien critters swinging from the trees and scuttling up the tree bark… they moved atpreciselythe same speed as earlier.
They even spotted me and made the same cooing noises before hastening up the tree.
Did that mean I was armed with the advantage offoresight?
I knew the layout of the jungle, I knew what creatures lurked within, and more importantly, I knewwhat was about to happen.
But I neededproof.
Drawn by a force I couldn’t explain, my gaze flitted to the exact spot in the dense thicket where I had once peered through.