Page 3 of The Mating Games
I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.
Or maybe they just knew what was going to happen next…
I closed my eyes, bracing myself.
I had no idea what was going to happen when we hit zero but I just knew I wasn’t going to like it.
The metal floor beneath my feet vanished.
Beneath it was another layer, it too made of glass.
The sight it revealed was as terrifying as it was unexpected.
I didn’t know what kind of vehicle I was in, but it was orbiting a planet — Earth? — with dense jungle foliage below.
I leapt back as if that would prevent me from seeing what my eyes had shown me.
Finding no purchase, my feet slid across the smooth glassy surface.
I tried to back away, to escape, but it was no use.
Suddenly, I knew with dawning horror what was going to happen once the countdown ended.
“No… please…” I begged to no one who could hear.
The previous cacophony was drowned out by powerful unseen engines that roared into life.
My glass bottle-like prison sent shuddering vibrations through me.
And then the tank was released.
My whole body slid to the top of the tiny capsule.
And I fell.
I fell from the orbiting ship, fell from heaven, fell from whatever safety I might have had.
I was hurtling toward that unknown alien destination below.
And who knows what kind of nightmares were awaiting me down there.
* * *
The sensation of free-fall hit instantly.
Just moments after the launch, my capsule was yanked downward so forcefully that I felt my stomach cram into my throat.
I clung to the sides of my capsule, my fingers straining with the effort.
The speed was disorienting, the roar in my ears nearly overwhelming.
Every jolt and tremor made my heart pound.
I felt as though I was ensnared by some vast cosmic entity, dragging me deeper into space.