Page 36 of The Mating Games
The creature finally managed to wrap itself around Jayas’s arms and head.
Jayas kicked and snapped at the creature but his blows were weaker now.
Jayas saw me watching and, between the creature’s webbed claws clamped over his face, bellowed: “Go!”
His command was cut short as the alien submerged him beneath the water.
Terrified, I finally snapped out of my shock and turned and swam toward the river’s edge.
Even though mere seconds had passed, the bank appeared to have moved twice the distance that it had been.
I pushed myself as hard as I could but no matter how fast I swam, the river’s edge didn’t seem to get any closer.
The current!I realized.It has me!
Without the strength of Jayas to pull me out of it, I was its plaything.
I turned back to look for Jayas but he wasn’t there.
Only the sharklike creature was there, its black beady eyes focused on me.
Its dark intentions clear.
It burst forward at a speed I could hardly imagine.
Directly toward me.
Now I turned and swam in the opposite direction, using the current to aid me.
The river, with its strong current, carried me with such force that I barely had time to think.
I could feel the weight of the water pressing down on me, the icy chill numbing my body.
A steady thrumming turned into a cacophonous roar ahead of me.
I paused to look more closely at its origin.
My heart sank.
The river ended just ahead, less than one hundred feet from where I was, and beyond it, like the backdrop to a stageplay, was the eternal blanket of the cosmos.
The river didn’t justend,it spilled out onto the cosmos.
Into the void.
My mind raced, searching for another way out, but all I saw ahead was the horizon where the river disappeared into the vastness of space.
The realization hit me: I was headed for the edge, and if I didn’t escape soon, I’d plummet into the void.
The thought of dying in such a manner, of being ripped apart in the cold, silent vacuum of space, was terrifying.
But the idea of resetting in that pod again, of reliving this horror, wasn’t appealing either.
Startled, I turned and attempted to swim back toward the river bank.
I glanced back and saw that despite my best attempts, the alien was hot on my heels and almost on me again.