Page 98 of The Mating Games
But, desperation breeds courage.
I hastily approached the wall, finding a sturdy-looking outcrop to grip.
Trying to summon every ounce of strength and agility I had, I began my ascent.
My fingers scraped against the rough stone, trying to find purchase, my shoes slipping occasionally.
The loud roars and vicious cries of pain behind me indicated the fight was getting more intense.
Despite my best efforts, climbing the wall was futile.
The surface was too sheer, with few handholds to take advantage of.
The realization hit hard as the alien beasts seemed to close in on my position with their struggle.
One misstep or a lunge in my direction, and I would be crushed, either between the wall and their titanic bodies or sent hurtling into the void below.
Still, all the delay they were causing was for the good.
Jayas had needed five minutes and I was pretty sure I had passed that milestone.
The tension grew unbearable.
I had climbed maybe a few meters, nowhere near high enough to clear their reach.
But I couldn’t go back down now; I was committed.
Suddenly, a scream echoed around me.
Not from me or either of the beasts but from a point much farther down.
I didn’t need to see to know: one of the beasts had met its end, thrown into the abyss below.
The sounds of their struggle ceased, replaced by the triumphant roars of the victor and the guttural growls at the back of its throat as it panted with exertion.
I held my breath, clinging to the rock face.
The victorious alien male towered over me.
He had won and intended on taking advantage of his prize.
His dark eyes bore into mine, studying me with a mixture of curiosity and hunger.
Every muscle in my body screamed for action, for a final desperate attempt to escape.
But there was nowhere else to go.
Nowhere but the void.
A blinding rush of adrenaline coursed through me.
For a split second, I hesitated, looking down into the vast chasm below.
My heart raced, blood pounded in my ears.
I was desperate to escape the menacing clutches of the beast, but diving into the unknown below was signing my own death warrant.
I had died many times in this disgusting game of survival but I never liked doing it.