Being a celebrity is overrated. Yes, the money is good, but having my life splattered on social media for people’s entertainment? Not that good. I don’t like special treatment either. But when I meet Sienna on an aeroplane, after we survived a tropical storm on an Atlantic Island, my protective instinct kicks in at seeing her injured and in pain.
I give her my phone number. Surely, she’s going to call me, right?
Weeks pass and I don’t receive as much as an emoji from her.
There’s a lesson to learn for my bloody ego. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to pursue her.
Alex Knightley gave me his phone number, asking me to call him if I needed anything.
But as weeks pass, the excitement wears off. He doesn’t really want to hear from me. Why would he be interested in spending time with a veterinary doctor who has more debts than dates?
So I don’t call him. But there’s more. If he knew I killed someone, he wouldn’t have given me his phone number.