Page 44 of Owned By Frank
He sighs and brings his hand to his temple.
- What am I going to do with you?
- Let me out.
- You know that won't happen, not yet.
- Why not?
- Stop asking, will you?
I look at him with astonishment and cross both arms under my chest.
- It's ridiculous, we're supposed to already have a deal.
- What are you talking about, the garden is wide and you are always free to go out there.
- I know but I want to get out of this mansion!
He doesn't respond, looks at his watch, and his frown is raised. After a few seconds the door opens.
- With your permission young man... - this is an older lady speaking.
- Come on in. - says Frank cutting.
- Where do I leave the tray, sir?
- On the table. - responds in the same way.
The lady nods smiling and leaves the material in the right place. Finishing, she leaves in a hurry but before that, Frank's voice is heard.
- Tell Dante to cancel all my meetings.
- Yes my lord. - Lowering his head.
The door closes and Frank starts up. He rolls up his sleeves, I instantly turn red and can't help but ask.
- What do you do?
He looks at me and winks and then responds:
- Now Grace, let's feed you...
It made me laugh to hear him say that with determination. He looks at me irritated and just puts the huge tray on the bed. My eyes look like wide plates when I see all the food there is.
- You want me to get chubby, don't you?
- Don't be dramatic. Here's all you need to regain your strength. Fruit, juice, vegetable soup, and since I didn't want to be so cruel, I also brought you a sweet dessert.
- Ice cream? - I say hopeful.
He looks at me with a face that is quite a poem.
- Are you serious? Do you have a cold and think about ice cream, are you for real Grace?
- Just saying! - I say smiling.
He debates for himself which will be the first dish, until in the end he has the answer.