Page 32 of Forbidden Fruit
Enzo didn't hesitate. With surprising strength, he hoisted me up and pushed me out onto the slate roof just as my bedroom door splintered inwards...
We scrambled down what was left of the tree quickly and ran for the garage.
Shouts echoed from inside. My heart pounded, not understanding what’s going on.
Enzo jumped into the driver's seat of his sports car while I leapt in the passenger side. Tires squealing, we raced down the driveway with headlights off.
As we sped into the night, I realized I had no idea where we were headed. "Enzo, where are we going?" I asked shakily.
He stared straight ahead, knuckles white on the steering wheel. "Someplace off the grid. I have safehouses set up across the region."
On impulse, remembering my earlier conversation, I blurted out "Take me to Ashley's house.
Enzo shook his head. "It's not secure. I'm taking you to a hotel."
"Please Enzo," I begged. "Just drop me there, then you can go do what you need, they would never think of looking for me in there, please."
After a tense moment, he reluctantly agreed. We wound through surface streets until reaching Ashley's neighborhood. Enzo parked a few houses down and handed me a burner phone.
"Call if you need anything. I'll handle this, so don't worry," he said firmly. I saw the weight on his shoulders and felt a sting of guilt. But I had to see Ashley.
I slipped out and ran up to her front door.
Ashley opened the front door, jaw dropping when she saw me standing there disheveled in the middle of the night.
"Oh my god, Natalia! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed.
I shuddered, still in shock myself over the violent ambush at my family home. "I'm so sorry for showing up like this Ash. But I didn't have anywhere else to go. Can I please stay with you tonight?"
Ashley took in my panicked expression and ushered me inside quickly. "Of course, you know you're always welcome here no matter what!" She gave me a fierce hug.
I nearly cried in relief at her immediate warmth and comfort after the terror of this night.
Enzo waited until Ashley let me inside before driving away into the night, back toward the unfolding chaos at home.
Yet one thing was certain - after tonight, my world would never be the same. Both my home and family had betrayed me in unimaginable ways.
Ashley led me upstairs to her bedroom, locking the door behind us.
I sank trembling onto her bed and she wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, her brow creased with concern. "Nat, you're really freaking me out. What's going on?"
Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself, I looked Ashley in the eyes. "I promise I'll explain everything. But it's...complicated."
Ashley squeezed my hand supportively. "Hey, take your time. I'm just glad you're safe." She sounded so sincerely relieved, it eased the raw ache in my heart slightly.
I knew revealing the ugly truth about my family and background could change Ashley's view of me. But she had opened her home unconditionally, and deserved to understand why I had shown up on her doorstep hunted and haunted.
Natalia's POV:
Ashley's compassionate brown eyes stayed locked on mine as I took a deep, shaky breath. Now that I was here, safe in her room, the shock was starting to wear off. In its place, bone-deep sadness and betrayal flooded through me.
"Ash, the reason I showed up here tonight is...well it's complicated," I began hesitantly. Where did I even start to explain the messy web of secrets and lies my life had unraveled into?
Sensing my turmoil, Ashley moved closer on the bed and put a comforting arm around me. "Hey, take your time. I'm listening." Her steadfast loyalty brought tears to my eyes. I didn't deserve such unwavering support. But right now, I desperately needed a true friend.